Sunday, August 12, 2007

U.S. NAVY - War on Terror - MUST SEE

Duration: 543 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-22 16:11:16
User: jeromymchenry
:::: Favorites

Video made by crew on U.S. War Ship showing their tour of duty in the early fight on terror. Catchy news clips. stuff being blown up. Aircraft Carriers. And rock-n-roll.

kellooo ::: Favorites
AMERICA FOR LIFE!!!!.. go go go go..God Bless America..
07-08-07 13:00:17
vidasmallwifelp ::: Favorites
hot adults on webcam in your AREA! CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-08 03:36:01
KChery ::: Favorites
The war started like a video game with a lot of fireworks but now everything is real.
07-08-08 15:01:40
KChery ::: Favorites
what country is that? Ira? are you kidding the Iraqi military under the U.S. occupation is worst than under Saddam Hussein. Today any country can invade Iraq with a few aircrafts and tanks, they have nothing. No airforce, no real infantry, no navy, not even a tank. The Iraqi military today is a joke. The U.S. did a good job destroying it but fail in rebuilding it.
07-08-08 15:06:16
KChery ::: Favorites
When are you going to Iraq?
07-08-08 15:11:19
xmobster5 ::: Favorites
fuck american haters
07-08-09 16:03:26
sweepcleanscore78 ::: Favorites
===* Hot video. There are a ton of wild webcam girls at teenhandjobmovies.thumblogger.com_ *===
07-08-10 02:10:37
Buddha311 ::: Favorites
ill be my submarine
07-08-10 22:05:11
shortdiver ::: Favorites
Why its named "war on terror?" The US governament did and do not have any evidence thats iraq (Saddam) was involved in the terror activities about the 9/11. But honestly, in dont miss Saddam! This is a wrong wor only for oil, but... Thats our world. Go America. Hope all the american soldiers will go safe home to the families.
07-08-11 13:13:42
asylumasylum ::: Favorites
history will repeat itself. in the future (maybe 100 years from now) theres goin to be an invasion. Everybody thats not white will be slaughtered, killed, murdered! (just like the holocaust on jews) so prepare yourselves
07-08-11 19:44:30

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