Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hare Hare Yukai rockman sync

Duration: 73 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-04 14:52:09
User: DiemetriX
:::: Favorites

The ending of Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu synced with the rockman version. I only put the two videos together. Hare Hare Yukai FULL dance version + mega man. The song at the end is called Loituma - Ievas Polka (Basshunter Remix) You can hear the full song by looking at my other videos

DiemetriX ::: Favorites
I just put the two videos together. That doesn't take much time at all. (Conversion takes some time tough)
07-08-03 11:59:59
90786jiop ::: Favorites
its both stupid and awesome O_O
07-08-05 16:26:15
slownsilent ::: Favorites
07-08-07 18:49:10
ZeroTheBurninator ::: Favorites
What program did you use to put the two together?
07-08-08 13:59:32
Blkp0wer ::: Favorites
freaking awesome
07-08-08 15:30:04
KennyKeisukeTakashi ::: Favorites
omg nice spriting =P 5/5
07-08-08 19:46:30
tatutania ::: Favorites
i am fan the megaman of susumiya it very cool you video, like my beatiful combination.
07-08-08 22:12:12
Kurumi6 ::: Favorites
lol i don't really like megaman.. XD but this is funni!!!! lol
07-08-09 14:57:01
theguitarofaheart ::: Favorites
07-08-10 21:35:14
ryufrombreathoffire ::: Favorites
ROFL...XD..that was did you make that?
07-08-11 22:06:51

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