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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-03 05:52:46 User: Nazrulhaique :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Part 1 of the 10 part series. |
Comments | |
shamikal ::: Favorites 2007-07-09 10:01:33 mepek siol!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________ |
Monday, December 10, 2007
Part 1 the Movie
Re: Global Warming
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Duration: 03:44 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-10 02:33:51 User: cloclo902003 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
maxivolt global warming oprah winfrey gore polar bears ice melting and other serious important things quadeesha
Description: quadeesha exposes the lies and faults of maxivolt and global warming! |
Comments | |
slmdj ::: Favorites 2007-08-10 08:52:59 Polor bears do love popcorn. __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-10 13:44:29 it's true! __________________________________________________ | |
taiv ::: Favorites 2007-08-10 22:25:14 Global Warming has nothing to do with what you just said at 1:40 - 1:47. Gays are not causing it. And the Polar Bear issue. They need to be in their own 'habitat' because they were here first before we were. I mean we can probably create a new life for them but it wont be exactly how they lived through it for millions of years. No offense but you are a low life for creating a video dissing everything. And polar bears ARENT Stupid. __________________________________________________ | |
JDV9507 ::: Favorites 2007-08-10 23:27:01 GLOBAL WARMING.. GLOBAL WARMING! __________________________________________________ | |
tabbycatfjk ::: Favorites 2007-08-11 00:05:25 hey news flash! person shutup your the devil asshole fuck u __________________________________________________ | |
bloncker ::: Favorites 2007-08-11 00:35:38 u suck at makin videos fattttttttttttttttttttttttttt __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-12 01:56:41 you know this video is a joke right? And only someone terrible would believe this! __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-12 01:58:10 Hey news flash! Your an idiot for actually thinking this is my real opinion! only someone retarded would believe this! this video makes fun of people who do. it was a joke! __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-12 01:59:27 at least I make videos, instead of wasting youtubes time and putting a song to some picture of the woods. you must suck at everything you do. __________________________________________________ | |
niiidar ::: Favorites 2007-08-13 07:23:11 If u really mean this, u must be retarded, so i really hope u didnt mean what u said... __________________________________________________ | |
NohemiNash ::: Favorites 2007-08-13 07:50:22 Yeah people are stupid. Chloe you are amazing. __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-13 14:40:25 I love you gnomes! __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-13 14:40:48 I don't mean it. don't worry. __________________________________________________ | |
killerhamster104 ::: Favorites 2007-08-14 23:05:18 UR GAY JEW MEDIA GARBAGE! stupid fat ass bitch __________________________________________________ | |
cloclo902003 ::: Favorites 2007-08-15 00:01:35 don't tell me you took this video seriously. __________________________________________________ |
Bende Azrailin bile alamayacağı bir sen varsıN..
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Duration: 05:01 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-07 21:55:23 User: haxan19 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: HASAN.. |
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Ezo Gelin 36 Bölüm Part 4 -Markoni&Bugra-
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Duration: 09:41 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-16 14:41:27 User: XXMarkoniXXBugraXX :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Ezo Gelin 36 Bölüm Part 4 -Markoni&Bugra- |
Comments | |
nourlife ::: Favorites 2007-10-16 18:08:52 tsklerr __________________________________________________ | |
kurbaaben ::: Favorites 2007-10-18 17:46:40 'Zor durumdaysa ben yemem,uyumam,iki misli çalışırım' diyor Ezo..Ve Kadim ona sarıldı sarılacak.. __________________________________________________ | |
scarface0000007 ::: Favorites 2007-10-20 05:44:26 NURGÜL tek kelimeyle muhteşem duygu geçişleri komediden drama ağlarken şaşırıp sonra sevinmesi...o kadar gerçekçi ki iki muthiş oyuncunun oyunculuk gösterisi gibi olmaya başladı bu dizi __________________________________________________ | |
hirsizinpolisi ::: Favorites 2007-10-25 23:45:29 eveet, butun yedi numara ekibi yavas yavas toparlaniyor. ..ve dizinin seyrine de doyum olmuyor.asiye kizimiz da geldi.Yazim ekibide harika..tam seyirlik..:) __________________________________________________ | |
KIRMIZI07 ::: Favorites 2007-11-14 19:00:24 NURGULLLLL SUPERSINNNNNNNNNNNNN __________________________________________________ |
Pato è del Milan
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Duration: 02:42 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-03 07:40:08 User: RaiNews24 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Raggiunto l'accordo tra la società rossonera e il giovanissimo campione brasiliano per 5 stagioni. |
Comments | |
RenanFreestyler ::: Favorites 2007-08-03 23:12:59 que pena.. mais uam vez a europa tira um craque do brasil.. vao se fuder gringos malditos!! __________________________________________________ | |
AshleyCrowley ::: Favorites 2007-08-03 23:21:14 lol.. pato + ronaldo + kaka PATO è del Milan! __________________________________________________ | |
ppen94 ::: Favorites 2007-08-06 05:41:32 è nostroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo __________________________________________________ | |
leoptz ::: Favorites 2007-08-19 14:47:15 Buena sorte para lo PATO!!! Nuevo e craque brasileno __________________________________________________ | |
patot3xs ::: Favorites 2007-08-20 13:46:22 ke bello!!!qnt lo amo....trp bello...t amo da morire...potremo mai uscire insieme...sl 2 anni d differenza! __________________________________________________ | |
UlTrAsMiLaNiStA ::: Favorites 2007-09-06 20:37:50 mitiko... vai pato facci sognare... forza milan e patO!!!!!!!!! hai 1 anno + di me ... ce ppotro mai diventà km te??????? __________________________________________________ | |
IAMNOTHUMAN ::: Favorites 2007-09-06 23:04:45 Antes de reclamar, lembre-se de que futebol no Brasil é uma zona, e paga mal, quando paga. Quando o cara vai pra fora, não é por culpa de ninguém além do nosso próprio atraso. __________________________________________________ | |
nettoantunes ::: Favorites 2007-09-06 23:31:37 good luck for Alexandre Pato Colorado 4Ever!!!! __________________________________________________ | |
thereisonly1ronaldo ::: Favorites 2007-09-07 09:44:13 troppo billuuuuuuu!!!ha la faccia da bravo ragazzo e poi sembra simpaticissimo!!!gli voglio troppo bene e poi secondo me è mlt bravo..pekkato ke è del milan(penso lo stesso di kakà)!!!nn vedo l'ora di vederlo giokare in campionato!!! cmq forza juve!!! ;-) __________________________________________________ | |
Teo9200 ::: Favorites 2007-09-10 14:52:39 a 17 anni fa in tempo a passare alla Juve ;) __________________________________________________ | |
xknotkyas69 ::: Favorites 2007-11-22 17:58:11 a la juve no __________________________________________________ |
Andrew Reynolds Baker2G
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Duration: 05:52 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-28 07:38:16 User: rhino90 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: one of my favorite videoparts. |
Comments | |
lapoliciarafterunow ::: Favorites 2007-08-30 02:51:42 wow! it's actually good quality! good find __________________________________________________ | |
longation ::: Favorites 2007-08-30 22:37:49 the song plx __________________________________________________ | |
knucklehea52 ::: Favorites 2007-09-03 14:49:41 crimson and clovers __________________________________________________ | |
BewareTheBaker ::: Favorites 2007-09-06 21:44:47 awsome part keep this its perfectly clear __________________________________________________ | |
lapoliciarafterunow ::: Favorites 2007-09-06 22:59:23 the first song is "crimson and clover" by tommy james and the shondells. the second song is "get thy bearings" by donovan __________________________________________________ | |
famlaya ::: Favorites 2007-09-18 14:51:22 DUDE U ARE A DON lyke donovan __________________________________________________ | |
stevieboy4 ::: Favorites 2007-10-03 20:27:47 i like the second part better than the first. __________________________________________________ | |
jchsnowlife ::: Favorites 2007-10-18 01:17:55 sick __________________________________________________ | |
username65 ::: Favorites 2007-10-23 19:52:20 OMG 2:32, he pushed Mongo! __________________________________________________ | |
control122 ::: Favorites 2007-10-23 20:48:12 0:20-0:30 so funny __________________________________________________ | |
nate8669 ::: Favorites 2007-11-01 00:53:47 haha, but then he threw down one sick ass line...... aww so sorry... lol.... __________________________________________________ | |
nate8669 ::: Favorites 2007-11-01 00:58:20 3:25 bs 180 then full cab sick!!! then all together all was as well, but the final kf ns---- on the uci irvine tall ass ledge was killer... not only just because but bc of the bust potential..... lets see some groms diss comment, (p.s. i dont give a fuck lol) skate or die! __________________________________________________ | |
mariopnfcu ::: Favorites 2007-11-02 02:03:14 He normaly never does though __________________________________________________ | |
kestlerlikespie ::: Favorites 2007-11-10 05:33:12 dude fuckin mole face is as agro as it gets ppl... __________________________________________________ | |
Tosy91 ::: Favorites 2007-11-16 09:29:59 king of frontside flip __________________________________________________ |
luttazzi dervis fontecedro geometria
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Duration: 04:32 minutes Upload Time: 2006-12-28 06:25:56 User: m1cg :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: luttazzi dervis fontecedro geometria |
Comments | |
virruzz75 ::: Favorites 2007-02-16 10:44:21 genio __________________________________________________ | |
Rigoletto80 ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 13:56:19 Eh, eh, eh!!! Grandissimissimo! __________________________________________________ | |
LadyCayenne ::: Favorites 2007-03-16 08:07:05 COSMICO!!! __________________________________________________ | |
frenchysko ::: Favorites 2007-03-16 08:45:01 forse una delle stagioni meglio riuscite... __________________________________________________ | |
snakessj ::: Favorites 2007-03-21 19:15:18 OLISTICO!!! Non si diceeeeee! XD __________________________________________________ | |
AlexilGrande ::: Favorites 2007-04-08 23:41:25 La Geometria non ha basi solide! Auhauhuhauhauhauh xD QUEST'UOMO E' UN GENIO! xDD __________________________________________________ | |
ne0to0fuj ::: Favorites 2007-04-09 07:57:15 Cosmico! hihi __________________________________________________ | |
Mordicchio85 ::: Favorites 2007-04-10 04:55:40 fantastico!!!! __________________________________________________ | |
sburto ::: Favorites 2007-05-17 14:17:11 LOL __________________________________________________ | |
divinecreationofvoid ::: Favorites 2007-05-17 18:27:01 idolo __________________________________________________ | |
rwsbf ::: Favorites 2007-07-14 19:40:27 "non mi dica più olistico.." AHAAHAHAH grande daniele! __________________________________________________ | |
Nostalgico80 ::: Favorites 2007-07-17 12:05:25 Cosmico! Che bei tempi! __________________________________________________ | |
Eclipticman ::: Favorites 2007-08-02 14:36:54 L'assioma antigeometrico di Dreck è pura realtà | XD W Fontecedro __________________________________________________ | |
withnail80 ::: Favorites 2007-08-08 07:14:12 Secondo me quando diceva queste cose ci credeva sul serio. Io almeno ci credo. __________________________________________________ | |
alicearisu ::: Favorites 2007-08-12 10:22:19 ma infatti...ha ragione O_O checcazz __________________________________________________ |
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Dev Diary 3 -- Part 1/2
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Duration: 07:55 minutes Upload Time: 2007-05-18 20:10:34 User: Djdjin :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Age Conan Hyborian Adventures MMORPG MMO game multiplayer XBOX XBOX360 X360 killing blood sex violence
Description: The title says it all. |
Comments | |
metallicazza ::: Favorites 2007-06-01 12:24:09 I just can't wait for this game. WoW has been fun for the past 2000 or so hours that I've played it, but THIS takes things to a new level ;D __________________________________________________ | |
Thetraxxx ::: Favorites 2007-07-22 22:52:56 Yeah, let's hope those chinese farmers stay in WoW and leave AoC alone :D __________________________________________________ | |
Djdjin ::: Favorites 2007-07-25 15:32:32 Since targeting will actually have to be "twitched" based and based on YOU being there. I highly doubt you will see many (if any) bots. __________________________________________________ | |
ganx0684 ::: Favorites 2007-09-10 17:24:04 Keep up the great work! I absolutly cannot wait to play this game. Toatally bummed about the pushback to March, but if you guys can pull of everything Im expecting, its well worth the wait. Cheers to all you devs, heres to being back real pvp!! __________________________________________________ | |
Djdjin ::: Favorites 2007-09-10 21:02:51 There's a reason why it was pushed back. They said the combat wasn't too complex and thought it would make a lot of people quit. So they are fixing it up and making it easier, but you will still have the option to attack each direction. If you look at it, it's amazing looking and I can't wait. __________________________________________________ | |
thero1234 ::: Favorites 2007-11-27 13:06:13 Ya heard that ??? Do not touch the azeronian queen because she will kick your ass :P __________________________________________________ |
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