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Duration: 04:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-21 01:32:10 User: BerserkerzWrath :::: Favorites |
Amv made with Gorillaz 'feel good inc' and hellsing ultimate ova's episode one, two and trailer. took 1.5 hours to make in windows movie maker. |
Comments | |
XLordCAntiX ::: Favorites where did u get the clips from? i cant find any sites that have the ova for free XP 07-08-06 18:52:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
BerserkerzWrath ::: Favorites use fileshare programs like bittorrent. 07-08-07 03:04:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Murasaki14 ::: Favorites The lip synic part was abit..um..how should I say it...um, WELL I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT! But the music video is goood *^.^* Love it 07-07-10 00:21:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Alphafoxxx ::: Favorites The Captain is the only real werewolf Rip is only part of werwolf o.o but anyway great music video <.< Shkae it shake it. 07-06-16 13:26:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
GargoyleKrane ::: Favorites I thought Rip Van Winkle was a freak chip vampire. 07-07-05 16:13:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
MariaKukasMuukaan ::: Favorites Rip is vampire 07-07-08 10:45:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
ShadowDweller1993 ::: Favorites I need to know because I can't remember her name and I can't find it! The girl with the umbrella and purple like hair? Anyone Please? 07-06-05 23:16:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
BerserkerzWrath ::: Favorites Rip Van Winkle, a werewolf in the service of millenium 07-06-06 02:25:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
MariaKukasMuukaan ::: Favorites vampire not werewolf 07-07-08 10:45:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
GunslingerX92 ::: Favorites Pretty cool! Love the show and the song goes great with it. 07-05-21 15:44:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
trillou ::: Favorites simply amazing, so freeky great, love these song from Gz and it fits so creepy to hellsing XD 07-05-13 12:35:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stollentroll32 ::: Favorites Very good! Where did you get the OVA trailer scenes from?!? I don't have a programm or anything else to copy a video scene from a DVD on my computer, to put it in an AMV. Can you help me please?!? ;-) 07-05-08 09:19:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
BerserkerzWrath ::: Favorites i got it using bittorrent (by accident really), i was trying to d/l ova 1 and i got ova trailer by accident. :P try using a fileshare (bittorrent, limewire). something like that would probably be your best bet if you can't copy it from the DVD 07-05-08 21:25:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Stollentroll32 ::: Favorites THX ;-) 07-05-10 08:38:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
JeannedeLorraine ::: Favorites Nice. I love it.^^ 07-04-26 02:58:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
slimsephy ::: Favorites Lip syncing at the beginning was very mediocre but the rest was very entertaining. 07-04-11 10:28:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
DarkDragon1889 ::: Favorites *clap* Excellent job. I loved it.^^ I had ten of the thirteen dubbed episodes faved, and now they're gone. Kinda made me think about it when I watched this. *sigh* oh well. T_T 07-04-04 12:19:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
FoxFairy400 ::: Favorites This....is...AWSOME! 07-03-22 21:32:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
PuppyMonkey ::: Favorites Yay I agree with catchewer. Metal wouldnt fit the characters personalitys. The shows intro song is perfect for the show. Great video by the way,love the song! :) 07-03-14 18:21:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
DSorincha ::: Favorites Not bad 07-03-12 08:56:44 _____________________________________________________ |
Monday, August 27, 2007
Feel good hellsing ova
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Duration: 05:42 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-05 15:33:11 User: dior1985 :::: Favorites |
arabic |
Comments | |
isabelladonna ::: Favorites hey i am adoreble usualy but this mother fucker here makes me say bad shet about people. 07-02-10 05:06:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Is there a specific version of this i should search for? some of the results im getting seem to have a more laid back tune to them doesnt have the folk-ish sound to it with the arabic 07-02-09 17:47:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sege123 ::: Favorites anyone know the artist Hamada Magdy? I was just wondering what his song is about. its called Nos Soura. please reply. Thanks^_^ 07-02-07 18:11:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
sushidelight ::: Favorites I love this song, thank you for posting. :D 07-02-07 07:56:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
sushidelight ::: Favorites 1) Whats wrong with black? 2) "Nothing against arabs" I suggest my dear you re-read your comments if that is so 3) At the end of the day we are humans. 07-02-07 07:54:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Yeah Arabic Music does make you get up and dance. Its a great Genre of music 07-01-30 20:06:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Can Any1 recomend any good arabic beats to put in a mix ive been listing to alot latly im trying to make a little somthing somthing to blast in my new car stero dyn to test that out...any recomendations? also does anyone have this song that mabye they can send? if possible ive been searching for weeks and so far no good hits 07-01-30 19:40:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Majdisgrl110606 ::: Favorites Try doing a search for Amr Diab or Nancy Ajram, they have alot of good music. 07-02-07 16:43:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Any Particluars from them you recomend? I know some but not alot..Im so out of touch with my arab roots :P do you know also any of the caravan-ish arabic dance music tunes? 07-02-08 16:50:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
Majdisgrl110606 ::: Favorites Amr diab- Lealy Nahary, Tamally Ma'ak, Amarain, Habibi, Ana Ayesh, Awdooni & Tensa Wahda Nancy Ajram- Ahh We Noss, Asteky Meno, Ya Tab Tab, Ehsas Jedeed, Magaba, Yay, Ana Yalli, Oul Tani Keda & Akhasmak Ahh Im not Arabic. My husband is. Im still kinda new with the Arabic music but those are some of my favorites. Elissa is good to. I dont know any caravan-ish arabic dance tunes. Hope this helps. 07-02-09 17:44:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Yeah tamally maak and amarain im familiar with tamally maak is supossed to be a good romantic song as per all the comments on one of the posted pages for it..dont worry about being new with the arabic music it really grows on you...if you hear anything about caravan tunes feel free to post, and thanks ill check out the other titles. 07-02-09 20:24:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
bintfalastine ::: Favorites hey if you want good beats like that majdisgrl said amr diab has good songs but lately his songs are kinda slow nancy has good songs too try haifa and nourhanne remade oum kalthoums habibi ya 3ayni song and it really has as good beat, rosy-ayoh, don maria-no mi quiero (its in arabic and spanish),diana hadad and khaled-mas oo louly, carole-esma3aly, some of rubys songs, mariam faris-wa7ishni eih, and the list could go on if u want more let me kno 07-02-09 22:11:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Sure whatever you can recomend...its so annoying whenever i go out and hear a good track then wish i could know the name of it but not...like this one time i was at that aladdin restaurantwith some of my buddies. and i heard this nice arabic song and ive forgotten it now. send a msg to my YouTube mail ill cheak it 07-02-11 23:16:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Majdisgrl110606 ::: Favorites If you just type in at the top of the page in the search bar Arabic music, it brings us a bunch of different music and artist. I like Amr Diab's older music. Haifa has some goog music also. I like a few songs by Mariam Fares. It just all depends on your taste in music. But againg, im still kinda new to the Arabic Music. If I see anything new I will leave you a message here to tell you. Good luck. 07-02-10 13:27:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuSu120 ::: Favorites its great video brill singer 2 nce song grl..ad u all need 2 chill lol, specally u isabelladonna u aint arab so dont h8 wt u dono ok obvsly if u strt wt 1 us ur strtin wt the rest ye wer all bros n sistrs so jus chill it...thnx 4 the vid sndrela 07-01-30 16:09:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Forgot to comment ...its a good song one of the best ive heard...really enjoyable being half arab i looooove arab music 07-01-29 19:49:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuSu120 ::: Favorites yh im half arab ma self knt get enough of the music eh any arab song makes u gt up n dance soon as uhear it :P 07-01-30 16:11:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
CanukBuck ::: Favorites Thankx Sndrela 07-01-29 13:29:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sndrela ::: Favorites any time :) 07-01-29 14:30:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sndrela ::: Favorites who caressssssssssssss abt wat u sayyyyyyyy !!!! chatting CRAPPPPPPPPPPP 07-01-29 10:00:30 _____________________________________________________ |
2002 Ford Taurus SES V6 w/24V DOHC vs. Nissan Xterra!!!
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Duration: 01:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-23 15:59:52 User: FordRules94 :::: Favorites |
Our 2002 Ford Taurus Smoked A Xterra 4 Times In A Row!!! He Kept Trying To Race Us So We Did And I Took A Video!!! Then A Black BMW Tried To Race Us We Took Him Off The Line, Then He Blew By Us... |
Comments | |
BlueGolem ::: Favorites That was just sad. But if you check his other videos you can watch his little sister kick the crap out him. 07-08-22 11:23:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites Hey, look everybody another person who doesn't know proper grammer!!! If your going to diss me, you should think about being perfect first! You forgot the of, so therefore You-Me= DUMBASS!!! 07-08-22 17:59:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
afgaphrodite ::: Favorites they werent racing 05 and up xterras will smoke plenty of cars i have an 07 :D 07-08-21 00:05:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
R3DNECK92 ::: Favorites Not to flame, but who ever is talking in the video sounds realy gayish. 07-08-14 14:46:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites sorry i have braces they give me a lisp... 07-08-15 15:09:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
hndez1 ::: Favorites ja ja ja ja ja ja , if you want to see my videos you have to go to a porn page asshole doing what a men must do. but you know what if you say so so be it!!!!!! fordrules94 videos are the best!!!!!! 07-08-12 16:41:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites ok you might want to re-write that in english and use proper grammer and also ur just dirty if ur into porn, that's just gross and it's sad you'de have to go into porn, whats the matter can't get any of your own??? 07-08-13 07:59:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
hndez1 ::: Favorites hey cock sucker cum slut pussy asshole piece of shit taurus driver, i want to see you with 3' of snow in your piece of crap .can't you see what the xterra videos are showing???? i had a taurus and the best place to be with it is at the shop. let's go to the rockies ,snow,mud,river or even at your back yard and we'll see who's fucking in the culo to who!!!! if you want to do something productive go and play with your sisters dolls 07-08-12 02:54:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites nice comment ass monkey, i Can't fucking stand when people talk shit about my videos... its a fucking video ok thats it i was having fun... and dont talk shit about my car ok my excursion or my expedition or my explorer or even my everyday ml 55 amg will destroy ur piece of shit car ok, so ill do what my cars are good for and u do what urs r good for... 07-08-12 07:34:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites and by the way at least i put a video of my vehicle on youtube thats more then uve done amatuer! 07-08-12 07:38:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
zdwaffles ::: Favorites ihave an 01 ford taurus SEL with every option including leather and the duratec engine... and incase u didnt know the duratec 3.0 engine is used in the noble 12... i put dual turbos on mine n i can hit 170 07-08-01 03:09:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
tony76ms ::: Favorites too bad the Duratec in your SEL is only 200hp and is probably less with wear and tear. 07-08-03 18:50:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
sikbitch ::: Favorites it didnt look like a race at all and also 05 and up xterras are fucking fast 07-07-31 20:12:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Phobboi ::: Favorites +30hp for '05 and up models. 07-08-20 04:54:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
AmiTakeuchi ::: Favorites I'll be the first to give this stupid video 1 star. Too bad you can't give it half. 07-07-18 07:12:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
harryrnpttr ::: Favorites A Taurus isn't ment to race. A Taurus is ment as a company car, or a simple daiy driver. Their is more to speed then just HP as well. 07-07-16 22:28:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites o yea I kno that, but it was just something to do considering there is nothing to do where i live lol...i think i might be trading it in for 2007 audi a4 cabriolet tho... 07-07-17 11:55:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
harryrnpttr ::: Favorites not bad... but I was talking to bull4377 07-07-17 14:45:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
swim2222 ::: Favorites lets see your benz now then? bullshit you have one, fuck your internet bullshit fucking asshole kids, lets see a video asshat 07-07-13 23:17:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
FordRules94 ::: Favorites gimme ur email or make one u wont use and ill send u a pic...or a few. 07-07-14 20:03:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Fatbitch gets pwned on Judge Judy
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Duration: 06:28 minutes Upload Time: 06-03-20 18:37:55 User: DRinsanity :::: Favorites |
Judge Judy pwned some chick on national TV and promises the woman that shes going to send a copy of this episode to the womans ( Ms. Wendy Elder )local police department because of bank fraud that she did. |
Comments | |
paulrichardschuster ::: Favorites Dumb as a box of rocks 07-08-21 03:51:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
Drakoman07 ::: Favorites HAPPY rocks 07-08-24 23:11:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
groovdafied ::: Favorites At 4:30... gazoontite :P 07-08-20 21:29:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
digitalshark ::: Favorites simply repeated by other knucklenobs who thought it was actually some kind of "hip rap street lingoism." It isn't. If someone has actually used "pwned," they are just regurgitating someone elses misspelling, or they are stupid enough to think "pwnwed" is a MTV-ADD way to say "owned" as in "dominated." 07-08-20 10:36:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
digitalshark ::: Favorites you can't even turn off your phone before you start videotaping something that's on television? Thanks for the little preview of your ringtones. And where exactly is this authoritative source for claiming "pwned" is the same thing as owned? "Pwned" was probably a misspelling (o&p are next to each other on your keyboard - duh) that was then 07-08-20 10:30:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
tedtedusa ::: Favorites ***The Room by Tommy Wiseau! see it! IT"S AWESOME! THE ROOM MOVIE (website) by Tommy Wiseau! The Room by Tommy Wiseau!*********************** 07-08-20 05:25:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
unrealboot1 ::: Favorites I tell you what it means cos not many people knows the original decent of the word. There was some good game player who beat everyone and said pwned, he spelt the word wrong and it stay like that 07-08-19 13:40:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
unrealboot1 ::: Favorites some people dont play games all day you know 07-08-19 13:36:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
KaliBoyinPDX ::: Favorites Or like they say in Mexico... La Puta Gorda se Chingo! 07-08-18 19:36:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
undergroundlistner ::: Favorites what does pwned mean? 07-08-18 02:30:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mindraker1 ::: Favorites "Pwned" is a poorly spelled form of "owned". It means one person got seriously checkmated. 07-08-18 15:03:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
unrealboot1 ::: Favorites LOL wtf? Its pwned not pawned, its got nothing to do with chess, its slang for owned, it was first said by someone who spelt it wrong and it stayed like that. 07-08-19 13:37:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
foldedintobeauty ::: Favorites no look it up on urbandictionary dot com 07-08-19 17:27:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
unrealboot1 ::: Favorites what i did look it up, pwned means the same thing as owned 07-08-19 22:32:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
foldedintobeauty ::: Favorites i forgot what the conversation was even about, unreal 07-08-20 15:42:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
unrealboot1 ::: Favorites i dunt even know what you are on about 07-08-20 16:35:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
foldedintobeauty ::: Favorites i just said that, why are you repeating what i just said? 07-08-20 23:21:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
ReconstructedMedia ::: Favorites this is the worst TV capture/FILMING a tv set in the world. from the shitty cell phone ringing to the annoying sneezing & talking throughout. whoever created this abismal piece of crap should hang themselves cuz they fail at the game of life. 07-08-17 14:22:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
foldedintobeauty ::: Favorites yea but they ruled for cutting out the commercials. i felt like i was getting free candy 07-08-19 17:27:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
dannyc9997 ::: Favorites uhh i bet it was whoever recorded it's cell lol 07-08-14 17:26:48 _____________________________________________________ |
Ban Lan Qui Applications
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Duration: 00:49 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-21 06:52:52 User: imperialtaichi :::: Favorites |
Tai Chi Combat Applications |
Comments | |
dasgregorian ::: Favorites 1: I'd like to see more demos like that. I've liked the theory behind tai chi, but can't find a place in my city to study it seriously. I see some aikido properties in those movements. Maybe you could add a voice over part explaining what you're doing a bit more? 07-08-07 03:29:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
chrissifu ::: Favorites This is not combat application. That's not how people really fight! 07-08-01 09:27:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
dasgregorian ::: Favorites 2: To Chrisifu: Yes, in a real fight, people tend to flail their arms about, then grab what they can find and roll around for a while. The purpose of that training in receiving attacks is to train your body in specific motions so that when people are flailing about at you, as soon as you recognize a particular angle or force, your body naturally reacts correctly. Soft arts are like that. 07-08-07 03:29:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
chrissifu ::: Favorites No such thing as a soft martial art. Only internal based. There is only one way to hit & stop a violent attacker, & that's hard! Neijia Quan is about explosive Fajin Striking to course unconsciousness, incapacity or death. Practicing applications is not for recognizing angle or force that's Push Hands. In Taiji you do not receive attacks, you hit before they hit you. Anyone who has ever been in a real fight knows that this kind of Tai Chi application stuff is just garbage. 07-08-07 05:29:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
g0bl1nk1ng ::: Favorites i was impressed with your rev clip, and wouldn't mind getting together midpacific to push hands.. but, this demo's got to go. i see what's there, and what you're doing. but people want to see that it works. so, maybe add another clip at the end, have your opp wear a motorbikehelmet and chestguard, and you should really give it to him. as well, he should be attacking you more vigorously. 07-05-17 09:28:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
snakeeyes007 ::: Favorites Stop moving slow! you move slow when doing forms to Master the movement. 07-03-03 19:43:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
jjoost1 ::: Favorites cool!!! 06-10-21 07:02:46 _____________________________________________________ |
Smallville Clark's first flight!
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Duration: 03:37 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-01 21:51:55 User: aleef69 :::: Favorites |
As Kal-el, Clark Kent takes his first flight in Episode 1 "Crusade" of Season 4 of Smallville. |
Comments | |
Redkay1001 ::: Favorites kewl! 07-08-26 01:00:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
RODFHHS55y768 ::: Favorites Not bad. Try <B> _CAMSJUNGLE.COM_ </B> for cute cam girls -RODFHHS55y768 07-08-25 21:03:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
dakotasex ::: Favorites well its about fucking time 07-08-25 16:22:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
ecoguy720 ::: Favorites I was just thinking, if he is going through clouds, why isn't he all wet. 07-08-25 04:38:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nix91 ::: Favorites It break the "No flgiht no tight" rule, but i really love that scene and the "Its a bird, its a plane" referrence. 07-08-24 14:27:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
popstarweasel ::: Favorites I said allegedly, and if you do not know what that means it means, supposedly. We are lead to believe that anyway. 07-08-15 22:52:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
DRVongsa ::: Favorites Lana can't die, she's possess 07-08-16 10:09:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
erkman9000 ::: Favorites god i love smallville. the first time i saw this i was in awe its so badass. love the smallville more than superman. 07-08-14 16:55:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
littlemisgiggles ::: Favorites tom welling is how hottt! :D 07-08-12 21:00:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
DRVongsa ::: Favorites Awesome movie, and when is Clark gonna let Lana know that he's from another planet? Anyone? 07-08-11 03:33:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
popstarweasel ::: Favorites Obviously you don't even watch the series if you have to ask that question. Not only did Clark already tell her, she got blown up in her SUV in the last episode of last season, and is allegedly dead. 07-08-12 22:54:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Shroctopus ::: Favorites nahhh she isn't dead, shes signed for the next season, so is allison mack (she is fine) 07-08-25 22:15:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
Caprylate ::: Favorites Even now, seeing this clip still gives me goosebumps, if only every episode of Smallville was like this. 07-08-10 12:20:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
pacfan4life ::: Favorites when will clark turn into the man of steel??Is it gonna take another 6 seasons lol!!! 07-08-10 08:11:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wolfsblade2020 ::: Favorites there is going to be 8-10 seasons and then they will start a series called "Metropolis" which is kinda like a sequel to smallville 07-08-08 05:50:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
enrrwa ::: Favorites how many season are they going to do? 07-08-08 05:41:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
grahm246 ::: Favorites there should be 8 seasons, season 7 is the next one, i love that part when he's Kal-El btw! that's the first apisode of season 4 i think 07-08-07 16:59:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
Adjebaby ::: Favorites how many seasons are there in Smallville??? 07-08-05 22:18:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
Heroes4U2C ::: Favorites hey hee hee yea! he will that's our baby he gotta fly now.. 07-08-04 15:50:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
XSeed88 ::: Favorites man i got to admit that dark clark looks cooler then the old wussy clark. 07-08-03 11:57:48 _____________________________________________________ |
DBZ Meant To Live For More 2
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Duration: 03:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-11 22:12:05 User: Chicken993 :::: Favorites |
This is an almost complete remake of my 2nd AMV. Programs used: Windows Movie Maker Song: Meant To Live Artist: Switchfoot The quality isn't that great, but I hope you like it! |
Comments | |
kioko370 ::: Favorites the eletrix guitars are so cool 07-08-26 10:11:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
tubee1111 ::: Favorites real cool>< 07-05-29 22:23:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zmw192 ::: Favorites i hate this song..but this video was pretty fuckin good..good job 07-05-28 20:59:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chicken993 ::: Favorites thanks 07-05-28 22:51:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuperSilver4 ::: Favorites great timing! 07-05-17 16:36:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
pandadbz1 ::: Favorites great job 07-05-02 19:19:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
dbz685 ::: Favorites that was awesome nice scene choices 5/5 07-02-25 22:05:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jbwoy4life ::: Favorites Nice job on the new vid man 07-02-17 15:09:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
GohanDBZ ::: Favorites Awesome vid 5/5 07-02-17 10:13:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chicken993 ::: Favorites Thanks both of you! 07-02-15 08:32:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
SamuraiMike ::: Favorites FINALLY A NEW VIDEO AND IT WAS WORTH THE FRIGGIN' WAIT That was awesome dude keep UP THE GOOD WORK *GIVES YOU A HUGE THUMBS UP* 07-02-14 22:16:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
dragonball000 ::: Favorites excellent job chicken. this was definately an amv that didnt need many effects. you had great timing and you did a great job of using a whole bunch of scenes 5/5 from me 07-02-13 10:30:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
10harwodec ::: Favorites u have to be the best amv maker ussing wmm, 5/5 07-02-13 05:30:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chicken993 ::: Favorites :'O thanks means alot 07-02-13 07:11:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
1zxcvbn ::: Favorites not really me and him are the best using wmm 07-02-16 21:56:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
1zxcvbn ::: Favorites first person eh tight ass hell no wonder it took you long 5/5 07-02-12 12:10:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Chicken993 ::: Favorites Thanks ^^ but the reason it took me long was cause of WMM I could have finished weeks ago. 07-02-12 14:47:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
1zxcvbn ::: Favorites oh check out my other vids you havent seen 07-02-12 16:15:58 _____________________________________________________ |
An ATV is not childs play....
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Duration: 09:34 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-26 11:29:29 User: flacat40 :::: Favorites |
Parents please watch this video before you purchase an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) for your child. If your child already owns an ATV, please make ATV safety a priority...www.sara-rose-hennarichs.memory-of.com |
Comments | |
alexcalcan ::: Favorites Dont you have an "in loving memory" website? why dont you put the link in the description. Sorry for you loss. 07-08-21 14:38:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
mosofosure ::: Favorites Cathy, This video is amazing, I watch it from time to time and Ive never once not cried from it. I miss her so much, I really hope that people are able to learn from what happened to Sara by watching this video. Your such a strong women I love you and sara so much! -Monica Soto 07-08-19 21:32:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
moffetafb ::: Favorites i am very sorry for your loss. i hope your daughter was a christian. god bless 07-08-18 14:20:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Squrily ::: Favorites the parents of that 13 year old should be ashaimed of them selfs for letting him ride an adult atv un supervised and should have done a better job at placeing the key some where he could not get it with out permishing . i am very sorry about you loss 07-08-17 22:43:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
weld13 ::: Favorites sorry for ur loss. im no parent either but do ride atvs and had em since i was 6, when i got mine i had experience before that and was prepared before i got a full size so i would hate to see people discourage from it because its a wonderfull thing to do if done right and safely. again sorry for your loss and hope you are better in time 07-08-17 18:01:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
kwadfather250 ::: Favorites i am very sory for the lost of that young girl but parents are also at foult for atv accidents,i ride atvs and im 15 so i know about atvs and most if not everytime a death has occured from an atv accident its becouse ht eparents let there un experience son or daughter ride a very fast and heavy bike so ofcourse there gonna loose control, like i said befor i dont wanna bea dick i am very sorry for there lost but parents be more carfull 07-08-11 20:15:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
panabodeboy ::: Favorites Parents!! Wake up!!!!! Every time I hear about a tragic incident like this the circumstances are almost always the same! An unsupervised kid on a quad that is too big for them, and no helmets! It's bullshit! These parents who alow this are retatded and should be put in jail for being so fucking stupid. WATCH YOUR KIDS!!!! 07-08-07 01:24:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
wcaps ::: Favorites I'm not a parent but I'm 13 and feel for what happend to your daughter And I live in Pekin Indiana My friend almost died last year from the same thing. He flipped the Four wheeler and the handle bars went through his head and was rushed to the hospital luckly they got to him in time Sin, Kyle Taylor 07-08-08 11:28:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
supersexylew ::: Favorites Which part of "sara was at a friends house for a sleepover the night" dont you understand? not unless the perants can be at 2 places at once they can supervise thier child 24/7 so whos the stupid one now asshole?? show some respect and next time read what the text says instead of looking at the pretty pictures, idiot. P.S Very sorry for you loss. And i agree with "vorticusFJ" Sara is the most beautiful angel in the sky. RIP 07-08-24 17:18:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
jakalopeAT ::: Favorites I was litirally crying watching the vid im so sorry, its a horrible loss, ill tell my friends to watch this vid 07-08-06 15:45:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
whoevengives ::: Favorites I AM VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS 07-08-06 12:18:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
wolverinetackler ::: Favorites sorry to hear that this happend may god be with u your daughter was a beautiful young girl rip 07-08-05 19:41:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
kickass700 ::: Favorites Sorry to hear that...very sad 07-08-05 02:22:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
SagarisEvolution ::: Favorites omg i am so sorry for your loss. this is terrible , rip 07-08-02 18:28:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
rckygilkerson ::: Favorites hey if u ride four wheelers do it safly so this dont happen again to the parents of sara i a very sorry to hear about ur loss that is very sad 07-07-31 12:02:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
hummerguy2 ::: Favorites my daughter almost died in atv wreck fliped and broke her arm and crushed 8 ribs and somthing went up her ankle 07-07-30 22:45:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
hamdenlax897 ::: Favorites I'm sorry for your lose 07-07-30 02:54:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
espltdm251playa ::: Favorites Sorry for your loss R.I.P sarah 07-07-27 20:13:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
jacksonbaker94 ::: Favorites Respectfully, Proper supervision and good judgement were at a miss. With 4 children of my own I know I am terrified each time we go riding together, but I can only teach them to make good decisions and hope when I am not around they have good judgement. It is all we can give our babies. I feel for you and your family. God loves and forgives. It is up to us to not forget. 07-07-25 09:30:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
mergim100 ::: Favorites well.. Im 13 and my father is buying me an 200cc ATV. im sorry what happend to her, but i think its the boys fault 07-07-24 01:18:58 _____________________________________________________ |
Cevat Prekazi vs Monaco (Freekick) (www.ourplace.t-r.net)
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Duration: 03:43 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-21 15:53:56 User: Yuzuf :::: Favorites |
Comments | |
vahapkoala01 ::: Favorites müthiÅŸ bir sol ayak. 07-06-24 07:15:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
rialluss ::: Favorites Hayatım boyunca bugüne kadar izlediÄŸim en güzel goldür. O maçı hiç unutamam. Monaco'yu eleyince nasıl mutlu olmuÅŸtum. Bu takım UEFA kupasını aldığı gece de mutluluktan sesim kısılana kadar ÅŸarkılar söylemiÅŸtim. Bu arada; KrankDUMM denen kahpe çocuÄŸu, o gol fenere atılmadı, Fransa'ya atıldı. O yüzden bütün millet sokaklara döküldük. Sen artık seneye Fener avrupa deplasmanına gittiÄŸinde ev sahibi takımın bayrağını sallarsın kansız orospu çocuÄŸu. 07-05-24 08:34:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
kelcuk52 ::: Favorites mustafa hocanın yoruma bak; aslında vurmadı amına koydu...töbe töbe ,...türk milletinin ufkunun açan bi takımdı ,insanımızın neler yapabileceÄŸinin kanıtı olan bi takımdı.5 yaşındaydım hatırlayabiliyorum bu golü..ne sevinçti ama... 07-05-09 07:49:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
chromprofi ::: Favorites Helal olsun Prekazi,ye ! Bir Besiktasli olarak Ögrenimimi, Sefaköy Lisesinde yaptim. Okuladan kacar Florya tesislerine giderdik sirf Prekaziyi, Simovici izlemek icin. Ama su gol hicbir zaman aklimdan cikmaz. Tesekkürler CEVAT PREKAZI. 07-05-06 08:20:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
coolguycoolcar ::: Favorites Coraplarini hic cekmezdi dizliksiz oynadi Turkiye'de her macta !! 07-04-04 21:06:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
134340 ::: Favorites harbı yerden 1 metre yukseklıkte gıdıo baya ıyı yurmus helal 07-03-17 18:42:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
yya83 ::: Favorites it s a hımını biçini fakını biçini gol my old school friendsss... 07-03-11 16:41:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
loonyno1 ::: Favorites ku ka qene i yni ama eshte shitur per nje serbe 07-02-14 05:54:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
ahmonen ::: Favorites süper bir gol abi yaaaaaaa 07-02-10 13:01:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
turkishskater ::: Favorites eh yaslandi artik o 07-01-23 15:22:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
KrankDUMM ::: Favorites tüm fenerlilerin götüne girsin:D 07-01-19 14:23:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
trocse ::: Favorites galatasaraylı olmasam da tüylerimi diken diken eden bir video.bravo prekazi.. 07-01-12 18:32:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
badgamerGS ::: Favorites Aslanım Prekazim o nasıl bir vuruş o nasıl bir gol 07-01-02 11:35:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
Felidispat ::: Favorites anlatisa bak: Muhammet vurabilecek misin abi dedi. vurucam abi dedim, n'olucak ki? e vurdum... hastayim sana be cevat abi! 06-12-19 01:03:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
bulentozi1905gs ::: Favorites efsane böyle olunuyor iÅŸte öyle alex miÅŸ 20 metreden atıyo alex oluyo 45de atılınca 100 yıllarca konuÅŸuluyo 06-12-12 14:53:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
DukeLakaska ::: Favorites muhtesem bir gol! 06-12-07 17:05:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
amelardo ::: Favorites sen insan mısın ya Prekazi?!!! izledikçe gözlerim doluyo her seferinde... dileriz diÄŸer takımların da bööle güzel mazileri olur bi 100 sene sonra:)) 06-12-06 13:53:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Ouran Mumbo #5
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Duration: 06:31 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-04 10:49:12 User: casui :::: Favorites |
It's another AMV! Good ol Ouran High School Host Club to the songs Mumbo #5 and Fergalicous! Enjoy! |
Comments | |
ouranXfanXforXlife ::: Favorites i always loved the song...it's great in our parades in town...we also use alot of recent hip hop songs...alitle japanese...some rap. the parade goes on all day...so we enjoy it. great food,great music,in the streets all day. i love mardi gras! well...it's one of my favorite holidays 07-08-17 10:03:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites ^^ Sounds like a lot of fun! 07-08-17 13:08:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
ATIKanime ::: Favorites its Mambo.... o_0. lol oh well 07-08-10 16:24:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnimeLuva653 ::: Favorites I reameber this song when i was little! i was like 3 and i liked the song! i didnt know what they were saying tho!lol good job! 07-07-23 21:16:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Thank you I'm glad you liked the video! Yea, I wanted to use this song because it was so catchy when it first came out :P. 07-07-24 11:12:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Koreanboy827 ::: Favorites is the main character of this anime a girl or boy? 07-07-09 18:20:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Both, there's more than one main character. Haruhi is a girl and the rest of the host club are boys and they are all the main characters. 07-07-09 21:56:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
Koreanboy827 ::: Favorites but im asking wich 1 is the main main character? 07-07-11 20:05:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites They all are. There's not one main character alone. It's Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoya, Karou, Hikaru, Mori(something) and Mitskuni (Honey-sempai). They're all the main characters really. 07-07-11 22:02:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Koreanboy827 ::: Favorites oooo....so pretty much its like shuffle and bleach and naruto 07-07-12 09:03:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Umm...sure 07-07-12 23:31:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
Koreanboy827 ::: Favorites ooo so there is more than 1 main char 07-07-13 22:08:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
JunsuiTora ::: Favorites Lol I love it! Good songs + good anime = awesome AMV! :) 07-02-17 21:14:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
hyuuchan ::: Favorites i like this, this is funny. ^^ 06-12-25 23:54:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Thanks! ^^ 06-12-26 19:44:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
TohruPrincess ::: Favorites Thnx ^-^ 06-12-20 22:12:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
TohruPrincess ::: Favorites Hey who sings the Mambo #5 song? 06-12-20 22:04:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Mumbo #5 is by Lou Bega. ^^ 06-12-20 22:12:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
XPaPeRxAnGeLxAiX ::: Favorites Yay awesome vid chi-chan! 06-11-27 15:52:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites Thankies V-chan! 06-11-27 20:05:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tomato30523 ::: Favorites Yay!! First comment!! Guess who this is Deanita! XD 06-11-05 03:33:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
casui ::: Favorites XD! Hey Wanda!!! 06-11-05 10:30:14 _____________________________________________________ |