Sunday, August 12, 2007

Re: Re: 2012: End of the World as We Know It or Total Malark

Duration: 514 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-20 17:23:51
User: forgetfulgod
:::: Favorites

just a collection of stuff revolving around the possibilities of 2012 check out videos by ian lungold on google video

forgetfulgod ::: Favorites terms of consciousness I tend to look at the sun as symbolism. So why the activity in the center of my consciousness? Since 2001 (the last solar Max) I've been actively seeking to BE my core self (and so other parts of me have as you, for example). As I accept I AM that core "self" (rather than seek to find it) it becomes clearer and has more affect on me/my reality...thus, more solar radiation, flares, and sunspots. Symbolisms...they're everywhere.
07-07-21 04:27:30
mikecampochiaro ::: Favorites
Does the fact that I have platonic love for you really mean that I love myself?
07-07-21 14:13:15
forgetfulgod ::: Favorites
it means you love the part of yourself that my character is symbolism for. In accepting me you accept a part of yourself (and thus allow the part of you that IS me into your reality). The more we accept one another the more we share each others perceptions. It's like a puzzle and we are all the isn't until we accept that the pieces are a part of the puzzle that we can put them all together and see the whole picture (your unlimited self)
07-07-21 15:49:49
forgetfulgod ::: Favorites
this just came to me, so I thought I would add it. As the center consciousness (unity) becomes more active and has more affect over reality we are seeing increasingly extreme ends of duality become manifest. It took me a second to see this but this would explain the weather and how fast it is changing from one extreme to another.
07-07-21 15:59:16
forgetfulgod ::: Favorites
accepting one another on the most profound level would be accepting that we are all each other. Truly, we cannot accept someone until we see ourselves within them...then we can relate, then we can understand. In seeing ourselves in someone else, we can truly love them as ourselves. MarlboroMan says it perfectly...Namaste.
07-07-21 16:01:39
TomTsunam ::: Favorites
thanks man, it goes to show that the literal interpretation is sometimes overshadowed by its symbolism. It put things in perspective for me because for me ACCEPTANCE of self is the key.-peace
07-07-21 16:39:03
mikecampochiaro ::: Favorites
Really good insight here, I agree completely.
07-07-21 23:24:23
ooppoddoo ::: Favorites
Thank you! It's so important to be able to hear other people discuss LIFE and ALL THAT IS. If interested, I'm ooppoddoo on MySpace. Peace. ooppoddoo
07-07-27 14:18:49
taimax ::: Favorites
Well put! well put!
07-07-29 23:25:47
ClemClemens1111 ::: Favorites
After 2012 passes, The End Of the world will be moved Forword to 2046 or something ,,,Some one will find the " real" Calender, and the bull shit will start all over again,,Nothing makes me more angry than Religion and Prophets.
07-08-10 20:00:41

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