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Duration: 04:41 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-03 05:10:21 User: Astorlover93 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Das Lied ist von Linkin Park "No more Sorrow" aus dem album Minutes to Midnight. Die Szenen sind aus Gladiator, Troja, King Arthur, Pathfinder und 300. 2 tage saß ich an diesem Video für nciht mal 4 minuten. ich werde mcih niemals mehr beklagen das ein film zu kurz ist ich weiß jetzt was für arbeit dahinter steckt |
Comments | |
Mr1sMootH ::: Favorites fette sache =D linkin park 4 Ever!!! und die filme sind alle der hammer ... naja ob das ganz der sinn von DS ist?^^ aber vid gefällt mir auf jeden fall danke, Najev (w11) 07-10-31 08:34:07 __________________________________________________ | |
checkershagua ::: Favorites also ich zock seit ewigkeiten die stämme und hab noch nie was von euch gehört. mfg Jason is I3ack 07-10-25 16:04:44 __________________________________________________ | |
Astorlover93 ::: Favorites welche welt zockst du den? 07-10-26 06:39:05 __________________________________________________ | |
Astorlover93 ::: Favorites genau scheiß fimausschnitte. dir wärs wohl lieber gewesen wenn ich szenen ausm porno genommen hätte XD sollte man erst mal wissen um was es im video geht. stämme ??---??...? sagt dir höchstwahrscheinlich nichts. 07-10-14 07:39:52 __________________________________________________ | |
6ur6enFanatic ::: Favorites Neee nich so mein ding .. schei´ß musik und scheiß filmausschnitte.. 07-10-14 06:52:47 __________________________________________________ | |
Astorlover93 ::: Favorites vergiß bitte die szenen aus King Arthur, Gladiator, Troja und Pathfinder nicht, ja? und auch nciht das der com die filme nciht auf die festplatte gekriegt hat wegen dem kopierschutz und man dann doch die szenen aufm rechner hat. und sie dann noch so kürtzt das sie zur musik passen, da steckt mehr dahinter als du siehst 07-09-16 13:31:12 __________________________________________________ | |
Cromosaebler ::: Favorites naja, hat nicht wirklich viel mit dem Stamm zu tun... Als motto würde ich es auch nicht bezeichnen, hast nur ausschnitte aus 300 reingebaut... also keine große Kunst... 07-09-16 07:45:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Astorlover93 ::: Favorites er sagt unser Motto aus wofür wir stehen 07-09-11 11:16:20 __________________________________________________ | |
VuLiOm ::: Favorites ähm nun ja ... was hat der clip mit eurem stamm zu tun? 07-09-10 15:11:10 __________________________________________________ | |
Astorlover93 ::: Favorites sorry ich wollt dir antworten aber hab auch remove gedrückt was so viel heißt wie löschen wie ich kapiert ahb jetzt antworte ich dir so: danke erst mal für das lob und die szennen sind aus 300 (FSK ab 16), Gladiator (FSK 16), Troja (FSK 16), King Arthur (FSK 12) und Pathfinder (FSK 18) 07-09-04 05:36:42 __________________________________________________ |
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Stammesfilm $MM$ (staemme.de)
(There) lonely day
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Duration: 03:07 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-29 04:47:20 User: chrisittnr :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The best friend got hit by a speeding car because he was intoxicated and didn't look at the signal so he ended up in the hospital and later died of heavy blood loss. The other friend was like his brother, he later committed suicide because he didn't have anyone to go to. He was the only one he trutly trusted and cared about more then the world his parents died in a car crash a yr before so he had nothing to live for. |
Comments | |
Andrea5579 ::: Favorites this is So sad but Great job On The video =( 07-09-14 17:25:44 __________________________________________________ | |
DamnEdge ::: Favorites whoa, you make directed movies as well. I quite enjoyed this one 07-09-04 12:22:31 __________________________________________________ | |
Icebergguy ::: Favorites rofl rofl rofl GOOD ASS VIDEO 07-09-01 21:11:26 __________________________________________________ | |
pclover ::: Favorites Chris thats so sad. It happens its very said to live it. Trust me it happened to me. 07-08-29 07:45:39 __________________________________________________ | |
KTnation84 ::: Favorites there has been a graveyard recently 07-08-29 06:11:04 __________________________________________________ | |
chrisittnr ::: Favorites indeed 07-08-29 06:54:55 __________________________________________________ |
WSVG Toronto - Search & Destroy
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Duration: 06:54 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-03 00:11:35 User: PriestMLH :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Me playing Search & Destroy in the Round of 32 at the most recent World Series of Video Games in Toronto. |
Comments | |
chopperman40 ::: Favorites dude im a kid and i can get 90%-100% 07-11-01 20:33:51 __________________________________________________ | |
ForOctavioPaz ::: Favorites this is the saddest thing I've ever viewed. No wonder our world is fucked 07-11-01 18:43:19 __________________________________________________ | |
DBLKWZY ::: Favorites haha at least the dude commentating isn't a total tool belt.. 07-11-01 02:16:53 __________________________________________________ | |
jevimetal13 ::: Favorites YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH THIS IS ROCK!! 07-10-16 16:56:00 __________________________________________________ | |
pauldawisp ::: Favorites awesome 07-10-13 22:41:24 __________________________________________________ | |
Translusas ::: Favorites ooo yea i see it now. thanks. and nice job priest 07-10-12 19:35:16 __________________________________________________ | |
lounaslaatikko ::: Favorites Could you see the screen or did you have to remember that song? 07-10-09 12:12:33 __________________________________________________ | |
dcrider2003 ::: Favorites u r incredible 07-09-30 20:58:33 __________________________________________________ | |
blackheart103 ::: Favorites K i play Guitar Hero, BUT NO, Its A Game(and a very over-reated one at that) Now iam not saying its a bad game cause its alot of fun, BUT NO, Just, Seriously, Whats with the moves to? YOUR PLAYING A PIECE OF PLASTIC 07-09-30 17:36:31 __________________________________________________ | |
tushartits123 ::: Favorites the girl judge is a bitch 07-09-30 13:27:31 __________________________________________________ |
Paramore - When It Rains (LIVE)
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Duration: 04:34 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-04 13:26:54 User: SAMillionairrre :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Paramore performing 'When It Rains' at the Manchester Academy 2 on 3rd September 2007 |
Comments | |
zacfarrox3 ::: Favorites hahahahaha i love this band so much 07-10-28 15:58:21 __________________________________________________ | |
YunaxTidusTribute ::: Favorites I WANT HER SKINNIES!! <33 07-10-20 15:59:31 __________________________________________________ | |
YunaxTidusTribute ::: Favorites It's not THAT bad a recording.... Paramore <333 07-10-20 15:58:14 __________________________________________________ | |
flaviazambrone ::: Favorites I love paramore 4ever! 07-10-20 14:58:26 __________________________________________________ | |
kmoney1276 ::: Favorites I LOVE PARAMORE 07-10-13 20:55:17 __________________________________________________ | |
paraWHORE666 ::: Favorites hahahaha i love hayley<3 amazing 07-10-10 16:04:18 __________________________________________________ | |
iluvebj ::: Favorites i love paramore!!! 07-10-09 23:29:35 __________________________________________________ | |
DuckyRiot ::: Favorites THEIR ANTI-EMO! Their one of the biggest supporters 4 TWLOHA!(At least I think their one of the biggest) But that doesn't change the fact that their not emo! 07-10-09 02:42:25 __________________________________________________ | |
Saramore12 ::: Favorites i love Paramore with my whole entire heart. they're amazinggg. 07-10-06 15:40:53 __________________________________________________ | |
fefefan17 ::: Favorites i love them soo much 07-09-29 14:40:04 __________________________________________________ |
Jammin' at Sweet Leaves
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Duration: 01:27 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-01 12:10:35 User: mainesnowrider :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: rough clip from little show on 8/31/07 |
Kermit The Frog Fan Cries
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Duration: 01:04 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-13 13:31:40 User: berts1404 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A parody of Chris Crocker's disturbing rant about Britney Spears. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=123773880 |
Comments | |
mankalledtrue ::: Favorites OMG...idk what to say. LOL. 07-11-01 19:58:17 __________________________________________________ | |
sassybiatch07 ::: Favorites wtF?? is the person who posted this vid making fun of chris crocker?? Im just curious. 07-10-28 03:59:53 __________________________________________________ | |
ingrajo ::: Favorites lol this is prety gay haha.. the best part was wen he shot himself haha 07-10-28 02:29:48 __________________________________________________ | |
WalidC ::: Favorites this was just stupid. the real kid rocks it. 07-10-25 15:55:07 __________________________________________________ | |
joeyandmichelle ::: Favorites great ha ha,i cant xplain y that was so funny but well done that um....person. 07-10-23 18:12:35 __________________________________________________ | |
angelsgoalie29 ::: Favorites HAHAHA this is so funny.. looks like Chris Crocker is losing poularity from his video because of urs LMAO 07-10-22 21:15:35 __________________________________________________ | |
neuroxcore ::: Favorites Does she have a beard? 07-10-22 17:49:15 __________________________________________________ | |
vjadore ::: Favorites lmao!! I wasn't expecting the end part! Pity Chris Crocker didn't follow suit. 07-10-12 11:09:38 __________________________________________________ | |
Unski1985 ::: Favorites well, THIS IS entertainment! :) 07-10-11 10:39:29 __________________________________________________ | |
dawg2u ::: Favorites lol wtf 07-10-08 18:35:19 __________________________________________________ |
Pet Shop Boys Lokeren Festen
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Duration: 04:12 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-28 16:08:26 User: plumesdanges :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: reportage télé belge |
Comments | |
hiccupheiki ::: Favorites no hollywood bowl :( maybe more holllllllidayyyy :) but I hope they come back on tour germany is calling thank you for posting the interview 07-09-17 17:18:43 __________________________________________________ | |
erikdonoso ::: Favorites pet shop boys they are great, psb forever 07-09-13 16:51:44 __________________________________________________ | |
annathegirl622 ::: Favorites thx for uploading it!!!! really great 07-08-31 05:30:30 __________________________________________________ |
My Drumsolo (10) Drum 'n' Bass--- A.K.A. Too much time!
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Duration: 05:42 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-06 04:47:14 User: Raymanx223 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 1st I played a li'l drum solo with a bit of independence, messed up a bit but nvm. Then took a bass guitar & played along while my feet are still drumming! I know...I cant play bass even if I life depended on it...but I just wanna add a new collection to my independence drumming! So hope you guys enjoy this video & dont be shy to put ur comments! All for the Glory of God Thanks & God bless... |
dx speech kadengamer edit FUNNY!!!!
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Duration: 01:27 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-12 19:11:28 User: kadengamer :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: you will lagh you ass off!! |
Comments | |
Ray4032 ::: Favorites This is awesome! 07-10-24 20:13:28 __________________________________________________ | |
VJGeorgeFraggle ::: Favorites it isnt funny until 00:35 then its worth a 5'd 07-09-23 04:06:56 __________________________________________________ | |
Luigifan1091 ::: Favorites not true 07-09-25 22:05:42 __________________________________________________ | |
kadengamer ::: Favorites oi no advertising on my vid!! lol 07-09-14 19:16:57 __________________________________________________ |
No opera music in my house!!!
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Duration: 01:17 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-12 14:09:38 User: fwins :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) RIP |
Comments | |
L0RENZ02002 ::: Favorites "solo" => only "sole" => Sun :-) By the way, Pavorotti before going on stage, he always put in his pocket a rusted twisted nail found on the floor. For this reason all impresarios hired a "nail manger" to leaves the precious amulet in a credible point: all, tacitly, knows, Comprised the Master. His superstitious requirement is satisfied. :-D 07-09-19 16:11:18 __________________________________________________ | |
fwins ::: Favorites Actually today an old woman cried at me :) But I tried to stay calm. 07-09-19 09:08:24 __________________________________________________ | |
password ::: Favorites fwins - I love when you use the LOTR poster in your video background. I'm sure you're working hard on the longer feature - can't wait! Hope the mail job is going well ~ password 07-09-19 01:49:19 __________________________________________________ | |
filmidioten ::: Favorites "I'm your #1 fan" (he said in the voice of Kathy Bates in MISERY)... 07-09-15 16:53:02 __________________________________________________ | |
Beezy284 ::: Favorites You are famouse singer :D :D Lol 07-09-14 15:48:14 __________________________________________________ | |
password ::: Favorites woh! creepy. is this going to be the vid that we look back on that foreshadowed the great fwins' passing? at the end it says RIP fwins 2007. please don't die this year, I'll feel horrible for my corny joke. don't die! oh, and a rather funny simple tribute, thank you! loved hearing your mom say "don't turn that off!" ha. later! can't wait for the big vid! 07-09-13 23:54:54 __________________________________________________ | |
Ottawarocket ::: Favorites Very good video Rocket 07-09-13 21:31:49 __________________________________________________ | |
flybreath ::: Favorites I understand, my poor friend-my mother did the same when Elvis died and she played Elvis non stop the nights she would fight with my father-aaaaaaargh, it will stop, until then, take long walks and be inspired by nature. 07-09-13 21:05:58 __________________________________________________ | |
fwins ::: Favorites Surely, you are right my friend! 07-09-13 08:12:09 __________________________________________________ | |
fwins ::: Favorites Not this time no :) It's not funny when you have to take it off you know! 07-09-13 08:11:52 __________________________________________________ |
Cyanide and Happiness Fan Short - Lol Fag
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Duration: 00:33 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-26 09:50:11 User: IMBSproductionz :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: based on a character from the C&H on explosm.net. |
Comments | |
nbrotonel4 ::: Favorites "lol fag" Am I quoting the vid or not? haha ^_^ 07-10-30 12:22:41 __________________________________________________ | |
Tiakra ::: Favorites what? 07-10-22 01:02:30 __________________________________________________ | |
sportyshorty213 ::: Favorites what the heck was that?! 07-10-21 01:27:19 __________________________________________________ | |
chaddum ::: Favorites what song is that I like it, pretty funny video too. 07-10-20 16:28:53 __________________________________________________ | |
markallen2706 ::: Favorites ... it was... awkward o.o;; quite boring too D: 07-10-10 19:52:01 __________________________________________________ | |
agentbuaer1219 ::: Favorites cant say lol? lol 07-10-10 16:15:21 __________________________________________________ | |
Altec22 ::: Favorites art leaves more to be desired 07-10-01 20:59:18 __________________________________________________ | |
DraavX ::: Favorites lol 07-09-27 18:51:53 __________________________________________________ | |
flickflame ::: Favorites pretty good 07-09-16 02:20:04 __________________________________________________ | |
raxozellet ::: Favorites it was alright 07-08-26 23:41:47 __________________________________________________ |
"Idiots" Theatrical Trailer
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Duration: 02:34 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-27 19:22:06 User: EyeCoreFilms :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The upcoming movie based from the popular "Jackass" films. |
Comments | |
gavo3 ::: Favorites cant wait for the real stuff 07-08-27 21:45:15 __________________________________________________ |
Guy Vs Kisame Part 1
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Duration: 06:23 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-10 23:17:39 User: khknfwow :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Guy Vs Kisame Part 1 of the epic battle |
Comments | |
angells115 ::: Favorites awsome vid! love the songs. the fight sceens r good. 07-09-11 19:38:02 __________________________________________________ |