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Duration: 06:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-03 00:11:26 User: j2lewis :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: next boss: Gandrayda. thing about her, she was easy on the tv, beat her in like 5 min, but on the computer, she gave me a hard time cuz she is always moving and the 3x3 inch screen isnt good for that. so i cut out the garbage and show the main parts...sorry for the inconvenience. |
Comments | |
UPSbro ::: Favorites Man!!! You put up a great fight... much better than I did when I fought her...-_- 07-09-17 21:10:54 __________________________________________________ | |
Rx7MetroidJelly ::: Favorites holy crap the ending was kinda creepy O_o lol 07-09-09 18:39:12 __________________________________________________ | |
amgiodedan ::: Favorites She is a fast little bugger. I think my cousin put it best: "cat on crack". Nj, and be sure to try her on Hypermode difficulty XD. Friggin' tank... on crack. 07-09-09 02:14:00 __________________________________________________ | |
warmwaddle ::: Favorites Try her on Hypermode LOL. Waaaaay too much health, took me so long. 07-09-08 17:39:29 __________________________________________________ | |
omegaevolution ::: Favorites I agree with your description in a 100%, damm she!! XD. in veteran she has so much energy that it really starts to piss you off in the last part cause you can't hit her with charge beams (and hypermode is useless if she turns invicible). Anyway nice battle :D. 07-09-05 15:16:55 __________________________________________________ | |
j2lewis ::: Favorites thanks. 07-09-05 18:28:24 __________________________________________________ | |
megamanstar ::: Favorites nice battle and i hope you beat dark samus 07-09-05 05:48:08 __________________________________________________ | |
untakenname234 ::: Favorites What did it say when Gandrayda was in your face? 07-09-03 18:04:42 __________________________________________________ | |
j2lewis ::: Favorites shake off gandrayda 07-09-03 18:47:33 __________________________________________________ | |
j2lewis ::: Favorites oh, thanks 07-09-03 12:10:38 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Boss Battles (pt 7)
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Duration: 03:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-22 09:32:30 User: apogs34 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Comments | |
gurcanturfanda ::: Favorites burda bır kac resım canımı ck sıktı bır resım olarak sayın org büyükanıtın resmi ve eskı cumhurbaskanı sezerın resmı olmamalıydı bundan bir trabzonlu olarak utanc duyuyorum gerı kalanlar bızı ılgılendırmez..!! 07-09-30 19:27:24 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites syn büyükanıt'a bende saygılıydım... taaki 27 nisan e-muhtıraya kadar...artık oda benim için ülkeye zarar vernelerdendir... 07-09-30 19:29:26 __________________________________________________ | |
KurtlarVadisiPusu ::: Favorites Helal olsun kardes supper video bunlarin hepsi vatan haini hepsini tek tek indiricez 07-09-29 09:04:58 __________________________________________________ | |
sivasdertlifder ::: Favorites ben aslanlar gibi satarız diye bi laf duymadım götünüzden laf atmayın 07-09-26 11:38:03 __________________________________________________ | |
intikamCIturkuz ::: Favorites slaytta hain diye gösterdiğin anayasa mahkemesi tayyibin "kurşundur" sözleriyle daha danıştay üyesi yeni öldürülmüşken tehdit edildi. tayyibin gürcü olduğunu kendi sözlerinden biliyorsun, şarkı vatan satsa işi biter diyor. aslanlar gibi SATARIZ diyen akepe değil mi ? kusura bakma, tayyip vatansever değildir onun kaygısı sevgisi başka işlerle. 07-09-25 15:27:13 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites aslanlar gibi vatanı satarız diye bi açıklamasını bilmiorum ben ? zaten millet anlamak istediği gibi anlar... banada solcu birinin bi açıklamasını getirsen bende doğru anlamam... fikirler ters olunca zikirlerde ters olur kardeşim 07-09-25 15:29:41 __________________________________________________ | |
intikamCIturkuz ::: Favorites bu klibi yapan akepeli, araya tayyibin amerikalı patronlarını serpiştirip bütün üke bölünüyor diye ağlayan vatanseverleri bölücü yapmış :) iyice puşt oldu bu akepeliler. ulan TAYYİBİN MİLLETİ Mİ VAR LAN! tayyip dediğin ümmetçi bi GÜRCÜ ÇOCUĞUDUR! şimdi de vatanı bölen anayasaya yapıyor. 07-09-25 14:40:25 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites yorumun için eyw kardeş... herkesin görüşü farklı taibki... 07-09-25 14:49:17 __________________________________________________ | |
sosyalistgencler61 ::: Favorites Bastan sona sacmalık erdogan dediğin a.b.d. ve emperyalist güçlerin avrupanın maşası yıllar sonra anlıyacaksınız önce numaradan hapse girmesini sonradan c.baskanlıgı secimleri ile yine tepki oyu alması bakalım 3.secimlerde senaryo ne olcak bizim türkler yer haklısınız 07-09-24 07:19:52 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites numaradan hapse girmesimi ? onu hapse sokan insanlar yine bu resimdekilerdir... cumhurbaşkanlığı tepki oyu almasınıda sağlayan resimdekilerdir... demekki resimdekilerde a.b.d emperyalist güçlerin oyuncusu... 07-09-24 08:13:38 __________________________________________________ |
'The Chiropractor' Lima meets Hougard
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Duration: 03:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-31 15:45:20 User: z0mgRugby :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Hougard is obliterated in this tackle of epic proportions from Brian Lima! |
Comments | |
CelticSaxon ::: Favorites LOL! I just like cycling on me little old mountain bike through the French countryside mate! It get's a little hairy at times, but I'd rather risk injury doing that, than facing what these guys do! Kin hell! I'm no short arse, I'm six foot tall, and quite well built, but compared to these blokes I'm Mister Bean!! 07-09-30 19:32:48 __________________________________________________ | |
z0mgRugby ::: Favorites Depends what type of cycling you do, i've seen some of this 'downhill' mountain bike type of stuff, and that looks pretty brutal in itself lol Riding round a rink in a circle/oval is a different matter 07-09-30 11:15:29 __________________________________________________ | |
CelticSaxon ::: Favorites Fuck!!! And THAT'S legal!! I think I'll stick to cycling!!! 07-09-30 10:41:14 __________________________________________________ | |
fobstar ::: Favorites DATS HOW WE LIK IT...TAK EM OUT 07-09-30 00:32:21 __________________________________________________ | |
woohay ::: Favorites tbh i dc how old lima is, he is still the hardest tackler in the game. 07-09-29 17:45:32 __________________________________________________ | |
joe4bristolrugby ::: Favorites hougard is shit 07-09-26 06:07:04 __________________________________________________ | |
saMoanbLakos ::: Favorites hunting for springboXx!! hiTmaN lima!!! niCE!! 07-09-26 04:30:20 __________________________________________________ | |
gumshotzz ::: Favorites hehehehehe fasipovi ae...i luv that... 07-09-21 19:42:41 __________________________________________________ | |
mcnikkawot ::: Favorites what u like it rough ?? yeah no need to tell us your gay mate 07-09-15 00:01:22 __________________________________________________ | |
mcnikkawot ::: Favorites go have a sook u lil bitch man south africa deserved dat fucken springboks wallabies gonna kill you south african kunts 07-09-14 23:30:51 __________________________________________________ |
Do You like Waffles?
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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-31 14:45:38 User: JakRizen2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: It's about all I can do with WMM right now. I take no credit for the clips or song in this amv |
Comments | |
Krusher33900 ::: Favorites lololololololololololololololololololololololol 07-09-16 21:58:40 __________________________________________________ | |
Krusher33900 ::: Favorites lolololololololololololololololol 07-09-16 21:58:09 __________________________________________________ | |
hayleyfat ::: Favorites This is funny! ^_^ 07-09-16 21:40:32 __________________________________________________ | |
ThetaZero ::: Favorites O.O ...The hell!? 07-09-09 00:34:09 __________________________________________________ | |
KIBA401 ::: Favorites lol 07-09-08 23:22:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Multiaxiskiller ::: Favorites *weird look* Interesting. Its good and some of the characters even look like thats what there saying. 07-09-01 09:37:53 __________________________________________________ | |
sunsunsunshine ::: Favorites funny :D 07-08-31 20:33:30 __________________________________________________ | |
camdenml ::: Favorites Nice, I was entertained. 07-08-31 16:34:14 __________________________________________________ | |
dave3455 ::: Favorites *twitch twitchy* 07-08-31 16:03:41 __________________________________________________ | |
monialiska ::: Favorites cool :D 07-08-31 14:59:35 __________________________________________________ |
Vernon Kay swears live on BBC Radio 1
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Duration: 00:60 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-30 17:07:30 User: neilrwilkinson :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Vernon Kay during a live broadcast mixes up his words and accidentally blurts out the word "fuck". |
Comments | |
Phill15 ::: Favorites I bet he got a telling off for that 07-09-24 10:25:10 __________________________________________________ | |
storey2611 ::: Favorites pure quality!! 07-09-22 22:42:30 __________________________________________________ | |
Daltonuk ::: Favorites His show is more entertaining than sara cox banging on about her daughter for 3 hours. 07-09-18 11:12:26 __________________________________________________ | |
trfccurt ::: Favorites lol ive never heard that nice vid aswell 07-09-16 07:22:36 __________________________________________________ | |
stylem2006 ::: Favorites dosent beat jo whiley saying cunt 07-09-14 13:24:59 __________________________________________________ | |
maweenova ::: Favorites yeah vern's a good laugh. 07-09-13 17:24:03 __________________________________________________ | |
LSGYou ::: Favorites Vern is good u muffin head 07-09-05 14:59:32 __________________________________________________ | |
SlushPile ::: Favorites Sack him! For being shite 07-09-01 16:54:44 __________________________________________________ |
Mayweather vs Baldomir
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Duration: 09:07 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-06 07:41:07 User: deliveryman :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The end of round 4 and all of rounds 5 and 6. Watch Mayweather outclass, outbox and strafe Baldomir with repeated right hands and left hooks. |
Comments | |
qazwsx12369 ::: Favorites Oh yeah we mexicans have conceded that Manny Pacquiao is boxing's best right now...pound for pound...nobody even close!! But we are praying that our mighty Barrera pulls it off. 07-10-02 20:27:51 __________________________________________________ | |
kardyaimar16 ::: Favorites floyd is a cocky piece of shit. he has no respect for any other fighters. he talks 2 much shit. Why wont he fight shane mosley? Mosley will LACE that dyke. 07-09-29 11:05:43 __________________________________________________ | |
lo247365 ::: Favorites mayweather dominated , im pretty sure i cant beat floyd but i wood refuse 2 lose in man in pink gloves,he wood have 2 go 2 the locker room and change b4 i let him beat my ass 07-09-20 16:17:58 __________________________________________________ | |
pinoyjr ::: Favorites Carlos Baldomir's chin is godlike and thats pretty much everything he has in boxing lol 07-09-18 16:45:26 __________________________________________________ | |
VulpineAcid ::: Favorites Not a chance 07-09-17 03:24:01 __________________________________________________ | |
josias76 ::: Favorites mayweather jr mordera el polvo frente a ricky hatton de mi se acuerdan! jordy 07-09-13 22:51:07 __________________________________________________ | |
Phatfarm1980 ::: Favorites Floyds skills are untrue!! Boxing heads off 4 fun! 07-09-09 18:28:30 __________________________________________________ | |
mfeld418 ::: Favorites I don't know the sport, man I know fighting in general, when I mean slaughtered, I mean by getting tatooed even though he won't get slowed down, he's still taking a beating, now I think Cotto can stop Baldomir with those sledge hammer punches! 07-09-05 14:05:36 __________________________________________________ | |
NUBIANHUNK ::: Favorites If you think Hatton can "slaughter" baldy, then you don't know the sport. Mayweather and Vernon Forrest teed off of Baldy for 24 rounds. Never slowed him down. 07-09-05 11:05:07 __________________________________________________ | |
mfeld418 ::: Favorites I agree with u, ain't no way in hell u can compare Baldomir to Ricky Hatton, Hatton along with Cotto will slaughter Baldy. 07-09-04 10:18:11 __________________________________________________ |
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (Wembley Arena)
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Duration: 07:58 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-30 11:07:47 User: Granada28 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Dire Straits plays "Money For Nothing" at Wembley Arena 10.07.1985 (BIA tour). |
Comments | |
TiToKiNgOfKiNgS ::: Favorites legendary song 07-10-01 11:21:52 __________________________________________________ | |
chaoschemistry ::: Favorites damned rocking riff 07-10-01 11:05:18 __________________________________________________ | |
hilde86m ::: Favorites marc`s voice is so special and sensual 07-09-29 17:59:00 __________________________________________________ | |
LBREWER001 ::: Favorites a cool song to rock to "wow" 07-09-27 19:34:01 __________________________________________________ | |
Leazesenders ::: Favorites Knopfler is A Geordie!!!! 07-09-27 13:26:21 __________________________________________________ | |
peppecenzo ::: Favorites che figata....sarei voluto esserci anche io 07-09-25 16:46:07 __________________________________________________ | |
TanganyikanRat ::: Favorites Timeless, they absolutely rock! 07-09-25 13:55:12 __________________________________________________ | |
danthewho11 ::: Favorites Mark must be thinking at the start "wow, i´m playing the single most awesome guitar riff ever" must be a good feeling. 07-09-25 07:55:03 __________________________________________________ | |
waijonn ::: Favorites I saw them in cairns 1986 brothers in arms tour,they still rock 07-09-25 04:49:26 __________________________________________________ | |
onlyarwen ::: Favorites j'adoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....c'est magique...je dédie cette chanson à mon petit lion d'amouuuuuuuuuuuuuur yessss!!! 07-09-24 15:32:07 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 03:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-09 18:45:57 User: apogs34 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: abdülhey ihanet ABDÜLHEY İHANET polat abdülhey tartışma |
Comments | |
harunkurban123 ::: Favorites evet dogru emre..!! 07-10-02 09:11:05 __________________________________________________ | |
emrealtinel ::: Favorites hayır kardeş 36.bölümde tanısıyorlar daha dogrusu aslan akbey tarafından yanına yerleştiriliyor ...hemen akabinde 39.bölümdede çakır .../kardeş sende tedbir al daaaa diyor yanına bi adam verim diyor... polatta tamam tamam ben adamımı buldum diyşp abdülheyi yanına alıyor...! 07-09-28 17:04:11 __________________________________________________ | |
diablo3152 ::: Favorites abdülhey ihanet ediyo a..q. 11 bölümde 07-09-28 15:07:09 __________________________________________________ | |
UnBLacKero ::: Favorites Ha Ha Polat Alemdar xD 07-09-28 08:43:44 __________________________________________________ | |
UnBLacKero ::: Favorites Hiç Güsel Bir filim deil la nasıl izliyonuz bunu la salakmısınız hepiniz xD 07-09-28 08:42:51 __________________________________________________ | |
ekber25 ::: Favorites kaçıncı bölümde olduğunu bilmiyom ama.pusu nun 10 bölümünde satıyo. 07-09-23 20:04:51 __________________________________________________ | |
polatalemdar97 ::: Favorites abdulhey polatin kacinci bolumunde sag kolu olmus? 07-09-12 12:16:18 __________________________________________________ | |
apogs34 ::: Favorites 56 yada 57 olması lazım kardeş 07-09-10 15:08:46 __________________________________________________ | |
polatalemdar97 ::: Favorites bu kacinci bolum 07-09-10 11:17:58 __________________________________________________ | |
vikkalbi ::: Favorites MANYAK BIR SAHNE WALLAH BEEE 07-07-24 09:32:03 __________________________________________________ |
Anti Ecstasy 2005
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Duration: 00:44 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-13 04:42:22 User: jamesbehave :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2005 Australian government advertisement on Estasy. |
Comments | |
laconchetuputamadre ::: Favorites What did she take?...... Anthrax, Bitch!! Authorised by the Australian Government Canberra 07-09-07 02:34:56 __________________________________________________ | |
hunterthompsonfear ::: Favorites I don't understand why the government is so against ecstacy. Pure MDMA is an amazing experience and safe too. It's the other shit that dealers put in the pills that is fucked (PMA, ketamine, meth, heroin). My two cents - you're not going to get rid of ecstacy so at least make it safer with pill testing and proper information, not scare tactics and misinformation. 07-09-05 07:30:14 __________________________________________________ | |
xoxsweetheart06 ::: Favorites mmm i do agree with how you feel when you come off it.. really depressed not worth it. 07-08-01 00:18:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Luke1234567989 ::: Favorites Hyper Drunk, don't talk out of your arse "If it were pure, no comedowns" Lol. 07-04-16 11:56:07 __________________________________________________ | |
knajfy ::: Favorites yes it is :D if you do X once a month and have a good party with your friends, and you dont take more than 1 for 2 - 3 hours and keep your self refreshed with water... you should have a great party ;) and no damages! safe environment (friends i mean) 07-04-14 20:08:19 __________________________________________________ | |
hyperdrunk83 ::: Favorites yeah, 'i don't know whats in it...' good point, except that you don't know whats in the pill because it's illegal! Virtually all of the problems associated with ecstasy use are a direct consequence of it being illegal! God the world's stupid sometimes... If it were pure, no comedowns either.. 07-04-03 18:06:14 __________________________________________________ | |
andyturbo ::: Favorites HAHHAHA hear hear!!! fucking love mdma 06-12-18 06:23:50 __________________________________________________ | |
syntheticeuphoria420 ::: Favorites Lame, lame, lame lol...I remember watching that add while i was on a pill lol!...Pure E is good, it's the shit that's multi-coloured, has no print and you buy from a dealer for $10 is what you gotta watch out for lol! 06-12-14 06:27:34 __________________________________________________ | |
japetheone ::: Favorites "ecstasy, you dont know what it'll do to you" i know exactly what it'll do to me and it sure the fuck isnt that 06-12-08 12:22:57 __________________________________________________ | |
kevigriff ::: Favorites it's all true fuckers. 06-10-26 10:52:27 __________________________________________________ |
Brittney Spears's VMA F*Ck Up. Gimme More....Yeah Right.
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Duration: 04:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-14 15:17:49 User: band06 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Brittney Spears's VMA F*ck Up. The F*ck up heard around the world!!! I bet some where K'fed and my boy JT are sitting around sipping beers and laughing about this. Please leave comments and Rate. |
Comments | |
Fuckinhott ::: Favorites Dude, whoever said britney was fat like wtf. She's just not as skinny as she used to be... and even though she seems to be parro on stage, i mean give her a break... all her songs are fucking great! 07-10-03 00:45:43 __________________________________________________ | |
tiffany55118 ::: Favorites While I dont agree with everyone calling her fat , I do agree with the fact that her career is OVER!!! She never was that great of a singer. I think that she just needs to focus on her kids and leave the singing to more talented people. 07-10-03 00:30:48 __________________________________________________ | |
AubreyIsHyper ::: Favorites lol It's funny when in the beginning she says "It's Britney bitch." XD 07-10-02 23:17:21 __________________________________________________ | |
M6dEEp ::: Favorites rofl, everyone is clapping and looking around thinking "the hell? The hell was this, man?" 07-10-02 23:15:17 __________________________________________________ | |
hidouhak ::: Favorites it would have been so amazing if she whipped out some of that incredible dancing she's known for. i still love her though 07-10-02 23:14:43 __________________________________________________ | |
out13 ::: Favorites The worst video, or song of britney..damn britney, is too late now, go and sell weed or cocaine to little kids, you could get more money like that. than singin' lol ajajajajajajajajjajajajjaajja 07-10-02 23:08:53 __________________________________________________ | |
iamfoob ::: Favorites i dont care if she is a little chunky. She is still pretty hot 07-10-02 22:55:29 __________________________________________________ | |
SpiderY3K ::: Favorites Only people u hear bitching are bitches! It's called hating. Britney spears is still hot as f$%k... Stilll. And best part she is of age. Sure she's stoned and coulda used a little more practice, but dont be mad ladies because all american men would pick britney over who they are with now. Ouch 07-10-02 21:48:26 __________________________________________________ | |
slb19610110 ::: Favorites I agree with sesca18. Give her a little time to bounce back. But for gods sake, Britney, don't do anything stupid from now on!!! 07-10-02 19:21:26 __________________________________________________ | |
fffresi ::: Favorites she's just a commercial product. 07-10-02 18:13:21 __________________________________________________ |
a geordies temper
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Duration: 01:18 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-20 16:30:58 User: littledan99 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: he sounds pretty hard |
Comments | |
scott076q ::: Favorites GAY SMOOGY TWAT, not geordie. 07-10-01 07:04:40 __________________________________________________ | |
england2k7xxx ::: Favorites i was watchin some clips from darlo and this was on.... it said he was from darlo but to me he sounds lyk hes frm yorkshire 07-09-28 17:10:43 __________________________________________________ | |
sergei56num1 ::: Favorites hes a smoggy he is 07-09-27 18:42:21 __________________________________________________ | |
toma1892 ::: Favorites thats not a geordie hueva tht is is from yorkshire thick fuck 07-09-22 07:58:31 __________________________________________________ | |
karlsanderson07 ::: Favorites geordie my ass. 07-09-21 18:59:16 __________________________________________________ | |
NobbySolano ::: Favorites thats not a geordie, sounds like middlesbrough 07-09-17 08:39:17 __________________________________________________ | |
davyhall ::: Favorites Thats not a geordie, its a dirty smoggy, middlesborough you fool 07-09-09 09:58:12 __________________________________________________ | |
fishtank39 ::: Favorites This bloke's mental! I know how annoying those calls can be, but honestly! 07-08-18 21:17:06 __________________________________________________ | |
satchboogieUK ::: Favorites haha, hes a mentalist, but he's not a geordie though 07-08-06 23:52:24 __________________________________________________ | |
sascotty ::: Favorites well done bossycook for spotting that pist of with everyone saying there geordie's you need to be born in newcastle to be a real geordie 07-08-04 07:03:30 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 01:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-07 13:40:07 User: chaingtina :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: this is awesum sum pix are blurry but you can tell what the pix are easily!!! |
Comments | |
rawmen ::: Favorites daxterfixe is my brother eugene and he's such a gay... 07-06-25 17:51:11 __________________________________________________ | |
Daxterfixe ::: Favorites rawmen is gay and is brother of eugene 07-06-25 17:49:36 __________________________________________________ | |
rawmen ::: Favorites looks like daxterfixe liked my comentary... 07-06-25 17:47:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Daxterfixe ::: Favorites lol very funny, ricardo !!!!!!!!!!! 07-06-25 17:42:38 __________________________________________________ | |
rawmen ::: Favorites Daxterfixe is just another asshole in the streets 07-06-25 17:41:18 __________________________________________________ | |
Daxterfixe ::: Favorites HARDY BOYS are great but ORTON is better!!!! 07-06-25 17:37:02 __________________________________________________ | |
rawmen ::: Favorites DX are great but HARDY BOYZ are better 07-06-25 17:33:45 __________________________________________________ | |
leyla12993 ::: Favorites mi otehr mannz i luv DX theyre da bestest 07-05-25 21:01:07 __________________________________________________ |
Shake it up sekerim-Kenan Dogulu
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Duration: 03:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-10 01:24:45 User: karakartal06 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 2007 Eurovision Sarkisi..Kenan Dogulu |
Comments | |
jiranda ::: Favorites Kenan Doğulu kadar nefret ettiğim başka bişey aklıma gelmiyo şu anda. Belki iki Kena Doğulu olabilir. Eurovision'da da çok iyi iş çıkardı. İdare etti durumu. Saçma sapan şarkı, saçma sapan sözler, saçma sapan tripler... Ye kürküm ye. 07-06-17 14:20:06 __________________________________________________ | |
karakartal06 ::: Favorites birinci oldun al gotune sok yarrak kafali. BIZ HARBI TURKUZ lutfen yorumlariniza dikkat edin... 07-05-13 09:11:32 __________________________________________________ | |
karakartal06 ::: Favorites Arkadaslar bu videoda Turkiyeyi kucuk dusurmek isteyen yok bu bir. Ikincisi gecen sene canavar kiligindaki insan lar kazandi ve bu sene gene aptal gibi giyinmis ukrayna ilk 3e girdi.Birakin politika yapmayi.yoksa hepinizi sike....m 07-05-13 09:10:30 __________________________________________________ | |
TURKISHPOWER1 ::: Favorites YA NASIL BI VIDEO YAPSAK DIYE SASIRMISSINIZ resmen !!! nekadar zavalisiniz yaa turkiyeyi sacma sapan video hazirlaiyorsunuz akliniz varsa biraz akilirda kalan duzgun seylmer yapin BOS ISLER BUNLAR PISLIKLER TURKIYEYI BOLEMICEKSINIZ ! serefsizler siziii § 07-05-13 02:57:57 __________________________________________________ | |
selale83 ::: Favorites bunu yapanin aklina tüküreyim!! kiskananlar çatlasin yasasin türkiyem 07-05-12 08:52:24 __________________________________________________ | |
turkodanish ::: Favorites sadece igrenc , ve aptalca bi video- salaklar.. birinci olunca görürsünüz.. 07-05-03 10:14:36 __________________________________________________ | |
galatasarayli09 ::: Favorites ajdari cekitin ya bu okuz adami kendini bi bok sanediyor ibnenin oglu herkez dalga geciyor o gene gercek sanneti ibne ooh dovmusler sarki guzel idare edere dogru gidiyor en azindan ... gecen seneki berbat sarkidan daha iyi:P 07-03-14 16:26:05 __________________________________________________ | |
serkancapraz ::: Favorites calmasaydın daha ıyı olurdu 07-03-14 10:20:23 __________________________________________________ | |
denizak ::: Favorites BAYILDIM 07-03-12 16:11:01 __________________________________________________ | |
adams122 ::: Favorites bu sakıyla diger ülkeleri geşcez buda onlara kapak olsun 07-03-12 15:19:31 __________________________________________________ |