Monday, August 13, 2007

re: If You Could Change YouTube?

Duration: 198 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-22 00:47:02
User: krissy105
:::: Favorites

i wana know...

Deuce530 ::: Favorites
nice lol - "and stuff like that" i wanna know who the fuck rates too.
06-11-22 16:53:06
gingerkidsunite ::: Favorites
thts a good idea bout the ratings
06-11-22 17:22:32
krissy105 ::: Favorites
lol yeah i chucked that in for you :)
06-11-22 19:04:55
krissy105 ::: Favorites
yeah hard out!! :)
06-11-22 19:05:08
krissy105 ::: Favorites
:D lol sweet as, and yay a fav lol thanks
06-11-22 19:05:57
DreamNotez ::: Favorites
i suppose... but then ppl wouldn't be honest i think... well... friends wouldn't give their friends lower than 5 stars... and haters will give you 1's so it be nice to discurage them.... but then you have random ppl you don't know that probably won't vote what they really feel because they dont want to hurt anyones feelings? .. maybe thats just me.
06-11-27 21:14:31
DreamNotez ::: Favorites
I don't think people should give blogs bad rating because its a BLOG not a tv show... i mean... what are they rating? your life? your video/sound quality... your artistic editing skills??? iono... maybe rating belong only on creative works rather than Blogs... although some blogs are pretty creative. ... i get all sad when ppl rate me low. AM I NOT ENTERTAINING ENOUGH??? WAAHHHHH... j/k- :) i like your nose. PS: i've always wanted to visit NZ ... what is it like?
06-11-27 21:15:25
krissy105 ::: Favorites
i totally agree with everythink you just wrote :) OMG i hate my nose lol iv got this thing about it lol its like a button NZ it beautifull you so have to visit its small like way small compaired to usa lol but yeah so beautiful so green and clean :)
06-11-27 23:06:38
krissy105 ::: Favorites
i totally agree with everythink you just wrote :) OMG i hate my nose lol iv got this thing about it lol its like a button NZ it beautifull you so have to visit its small like way small compaired to usa lol but yeah so beautiful so green and clean :)
06-11-27 23:06:52
DreamNotez ::: Favorites
yeah... one day i was watching TV (very long time ago) and there was this travel commercial that came on about NZ and i was just in owe at how BEAUTIFUL, fresh and clean it looked. ever since then I've wanted to visit what appears to be an enchanting place. I saw your other video where you show us a little of NZ and the buildings and water there look amazing! such nice blue-green water!!! -val
06-11-28 14:19:01

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