Monday, August 13, 2007

Legaturi bolnavicioase-For good

Duration: 265 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-25 17:15:44
User: Anchy2006
:::: Favorites

A special video for my special someone who made me realize that life is worth living as long as you have moonlight walks. Love you dear!

sexylove1477 ::: Favorites
First of all.. it´s was a wonderful post... I loved this song.. it´s a shame that theres no subtitles in english.. so couldn´t understand a word.. :(
07-05-01 10:50:52
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
Well you can download the movie from the veoh site and you can find english subtitles for it on the net. (or you could learn to speak romanian :P) I'm glad you like it! :D
07-05-01 11:25:10
xyasimplewoman ::: Favorites
apreciez curajul,pasiunea şi asumarea...păcat că eşti mult prea tanără pt. mine..dar cine ştie, poate poţi fii Cupidonn-ul meu...ce zici?...doresc să cunosc o tipă gay ,dar să aibă măcar 30 ani..sau pană în am 33....şi ...(cum zice tot Vama Veche)...vara asta vreau să mă-ndră foarte discretă...mă vei găsi dacă vrei...salut şi tot ce-ţi doreşti!!!!!!!
07-05-31 03:34:44
yabba234 ::: Favorites
where are english subtitles? i have this movie downloaded but i dont find english subtitles please help!
07-06-27 09:14:28
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
Yeah, it seems i made a misleading post up there. There are only Romanian subtitles for the movie available for download. The english ones were used only for the Berlin festival screening. I'm really really sorry.
07-06-28 03:01:25
yabba234 ::: Favorites
:( when somebody finds english subs one day and reads this please reply.. ill save the film i wanna watch it..
07-06-28 04:22:17
raluFaraVene ::: Favorites
i have it....but i dont know how can i send it to you...if you have any idea...
07-07-25 09:59:51
lucky6193 ::: Favorites
can u put the whoele movie please??
07-07-26 21:30:03
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
It was posted on youtube already, but i'm gessing they deleted it. If not, you can search for it on veoh. they have it all
07-07-27 02:31:23
bugz2grrl ::: Favorites
I jus no dat dey speak romanian in the movie. Romanian girls are pretty.
07-08-08 14:14:22
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
Well thank you :P
07-08-08 14:51:58
bugz2grrl ::: Favorites
so Are there 2 couples in the movie? i saw there were 2 blk head girls, a red head girl n a blonde girl.
07-08-08 14:27:27
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
There is only 1 couple in the movie-Kiki and Alex. They probably seem to have different hair color because of the lighting.
07-08-08 14:51:48
bugz2grrl ::: Favorites
Ah! thx fo de reply. are ya also gay? if yea, then wat r ya? am bi.
07-08-08 15:52:13
Anchy2006 ::: Favorites
I'm a lesbian.
07-08-09 07:28:22

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