Saturday, October 20, 2007


Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-17 03:20:44
User: MoonBabyhowl
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THIS VIDEO IS A HOAX AND IS A WORK OF SATIRE! FAKE! IT'S FAKE! fakefakefakefakefakefakefake fakefakefakefakefakefakefake fakefakefakefakefakefakefake fakefakefakefakefakefakefake!!! For a more complete understanding of this video's purpose, I advise you to view the video entitled "Furries in Action!". The two should really be viewed as one complete set. I also advise you to check out the WikiFur article, which can be found here. and check some of the links. This video, along with "Furries in Action!" was not made by myself, and I have no connection to either party. If you did not read this, your comments are subject to deletion. Sucka. I've only deleted a few, and that was only because somebody was spamming up my videos with off-site drama, but still. read this shit, and understand the videos before you comment. -thank you.


MoonBabyhowl ::: Favorites
Class, pay attention to TheFlyingSwede. He's doing it right. As I recall, it was a joke on how people freak out about it, and also her ragging on a few of her fur friends as well.
07-10-13 12:11:24
TheFlyingSwede ::: Favorites
Ok, is satire a lost art... or is it just me? This is a great example of good satire. It IS a joke... but NOT A JOKE ON FURS... it is a joke on fur-hate. I find it hilarious. btw, yeah... you fur-haters are just stupid, like... in a funny way. So easy to anger and weird out. hehehe good job, good vid. props
07-10-13 03:24:43
paukaus ::: Favorites
World is so sick. Cool vid. :'D
07-09-29 16:30:55
PanDooooo ::: Favorites
your voice makes me want to punch babies
07-09-23 20:03:46
DaBozz2007 ::: Favorites
u AREEE a fuckin animal, u fat ugly whale
07-09-19 21:17:23
DaBozz2007 ::: Favorites
fuckin'ell its moby dick !....ugly cunt
07-09-19 21:10:44
Aevenath ::: Favorites
whats faggaty
07-09-13 21:00:46
MoonBabyhowl ::: Favorites
And why not?
07-08-28 22:46:16
Orenotter ::: Favorites
Calling it fake doesn't make it okay.
07-08-28 22:44:33
thinman25 ::: Favorites
"... and dig holes!" Funniest stuff evar.
07-08-26 19:24:31

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