Friday, August 10, 2007

WOW! Ron Paul Speech!

Duration: 122 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 07:27:55
User: Dysgenik
:::: Favorites

Dr. Paul speaking his mind. ---------------------------------- 2008 Presidential Election, Stooges, Marionettes, Puppets, Pat Buchanan, Illegal Immigration, Real Issues Will Never Be Addressed, Democratic, Democrats, DNC, Republican, Republicans, RNC, NJ Governor and EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman, Senator Olympia Snowe, Rick Santorum, former Senator, Governor Mark Sanford, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Fmr. Secretary of State and General Colin Powell, Bill Frist, former Senate Majority Leader, Senator Susan Collins, Vice President Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, George Allen, former Senator, George Pataki, former Governor of New York, Senator Chuck Hagel, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, Tom Coburn, Senator from Oklahoma, Tommy Thompson, former Governor of Wisconsin, Fred Dalton Thompson, Representative Tom Tancredo, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, Representative Ron Paul, M.D., Senator John McCain, Representative Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, Rudy Giuliani former mayor of New York City, Senator Sam Brownback, Mark Warner, former Governor of Virginia, Reverend Al Sharpton, Senator John Kerry, Senator Russ Feingold, Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont, Tom Daschle, former Senate Majority Leader, Senator Evan Bayh, Former Governor Tom Vilsack, Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, General Wesley Clark (Ret.), Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Barack Obama, Representative Dennis Kucinich, Former Senator Mike Gravel, Former Senator John Edwards, Senator Christopher Dodd, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Joe Biden

Dysgenik ::: Favorites
You're an evangelical, stupid hillbilly. Why are you even speaking? Go watch Pat Robertson.
07-08-08 20:17:47
soloM81 ::: Favorites
bwahaha good job man sad part its true
07-08-08 20:18:33
wlw31967 ::: Favorites
we desereve the president we elect
07-08-08 20:36:27
Dysgenik ::: Favorites
Absolutely, and the mentally handicapped, worthless, slave-material called America will elect Hillary Clinton.
07-08-08 20:39:53
Illegalsgo2hell ::: Favorites
lol..your so pretty...and deserving
07-08-09 11:49:11
wowplayer35 ::: Favorites
This is sad but true for the most part. Bill Maher pretty much summed this up with Ron Paul on his show. He asked him if Americans were smarter, wouldnt you be winning in the polls? Ron Paul 2008!!!
07-08-09 15:02:15
wlw31967 ::: Favorites
man, i`m gonna join the army so i can be trained in urban combat and guerilla warfare for when i come HOME
07-08-09 23:38:28
jdurham70 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul scares you doesnt he, you limey faggot!!!!
07-08-09 23:48:18
Dysgenik ::: Favorites
Who's a limey? I'm a Ron Paul supporter. However, this retarded country WILL elect Hillary Clinton. It's all scripted. BUSH, CLINTON, CLINTON, BUSH, BUSH, CLINTON, CLINTON! It's called freedom, baby! (free to be retarded, that is)
07-08-09 23:51:52
jdurham70 ::: Favorites
that voice over sounds like this limey that has been doing anti-Ron Paul stuff.sorry I didnt listen to the speech.
07-08-10 00:36:58

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