Saturday, August 11, 2007

Turbografx Classics: Vasteel

Duration: 362 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 04:17:42
User: boilerplate
:::: Favorites

A fun little turn based strategy game that adds one VERY unique twist to the formula. (Well, unique until Savage:The Battle for Newerth did something similar) and that is...allow you to ditch the stats and fight mech battles using your own reflexes and skill. In other words, you can opt to let the game take care of your fights the way a standard strategy game would, or you can control each battle yourself. It's actually quite fun, but EXTREMELY long.

ayzmin ::: Favorites
Wow, I didn't know Turbografx had a strategy game.. I didn't think they had many games at all.. Kinda like the Neo-Geo. Thanks for bringing me back ~~ Now if we can only find that side scroller that revolves around a Tower and getting henchmen behind locked doors..THAT was one of my fav's
07-07-31 11:43:22
Toneman ::: Favorites
There's also Military Madness/Nectaris, which is a very famous strategy game for the TG. Though there are alot of good games, you haven't really seen the true nature of Turbografx until you seen its Japanese side.
07-07-31 12:31:51
boilerplate ::: Favorites
That's what I always tell to the doubters. The TG16/duo had some great games, but most were either left sitting in Japan, or were released here in very limited quantity with almost zero advertisements or publicity. I swear, every domestic CD game I ever bought was always the "first and last" copy at EB. They knew me as "that Turbografx dude".
07-07-31 13:28:38
BloodPigggy ::: Favorites
Nectaris, is on the Wii's virtual console I believe, but the port seems to be crappy.
07-08-02 20:20:30
GamerDude88 ::: Favorites
i dont like RTS games and strategy games, they confuse me... :(
07-07-31 13:28:51
Direwolf56 ::: Favorites
is it hard to learn how to do? looks complicated lol
07-08-01 15:36:33
boilerplate ::: Favorites
Not really. I mean, one of the main reasons I loved it was due to its ease of use. You just move your mechs across the map and take each city, defend it, and move forward...take out factories to slow enemy mech production and then assault their base. It's no more complicated then Starcraft.
07-08-01 15:40:33
Direwolf56 ::: Favorites
oh i see
07-08-01 15:45:06
boilerplate ::: Favorites
Well, if it's your first strategy game, it might be rough. I would say start with shining force. that was a really watered down "entry level" strategy game, and was the first one I ever played.
07-08-01 15:54:45
BloodPigggy ::: Favorites
Sorry for spamming your video, but I'd like to mention 1998's Battlezone as a far better example than Savage, it was also a First Person/RTS hybrid, probably the best as well.
07-08-02 20:21:33
boilerplate ::: Favorites
I just looked that up on wikipedia and you're right. Looks interesting...I think I'll have to check that out. I used to play the ancient one in the arcades as a kid. I don't know how I missed that one, but good find!!
07-08-02 21:13:51

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